Quarantine Pride

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Peter's POV

Tomorrow was June 1st, pride month. But we were all stuck in quarantine. And the parade was cancelled. And this was my first pride month out of the closet. I walked to the lounge where I could Bucky making rainbow cookies and Steve "helping" him.

"Wait, you're saying that a robot took my scepter! With all it's grease and muck! How dare you let that happen brother!" Loki shouted.

"We eventually got it back from Ultron and at least it is clean now!" Thor said.

"That doesn't make a difference." Loki said and she stalked off to her room, probably to clean her scepter. Carol walked out talking to someone on Facetime.

"Just stay safe. Some of the others are here if you want to talk to them." She said

"I will. I love you. And yeah I'll talk to the others." I heard Valkyrie said.

"Val's on the phone!" Carol shouted.

"Hey! Steve give me the frosting back! No!" I heard Bucky shout and then a crash.

"Do you mind holding my phone?" Carol asked.

"Sure." I said and I held Carols phone while she help the two crazies.

"Awww little Peter, how are you?" Val asked.

"Good. Are there any cases in Asgard?" I asked.

"Luckily, no. But the nearest town has a few cases." She said.

"Oh Valkyrie! How is Asgard! Is Lady Sif giving you a hard time there?" Thor asked.

"No, she's very helpful. Apparently she is good with the economy so she just runs that area." Val said.

"Good. Maybe Danvers will also be the Queen of Asgard." Thor said.

"How many times do I have to tell you, we've only been dating for a month!" Val said.

"Exactly!" Thor said.

"I'm back and Steve is banned from the kitchen for the next hour." Carol said.

"Thank gods! Thor is being annoying." Val said.

"As usual." Carol said and walked off.

"Hey!" Thor complained. A portal opened and Stephen and Tony dropped out of it.

"The best couple is here." Tony announced.

"Yeah right!" Bucky said from the kitchen. I smiled a little and went back to my room. I twirled my mini Bi flag around. After a bit I got a FaceTime from Clint. He was the one who legally adopted me so he was extra protective of me, meaning calls everyday.

"Hey Clint." I said.

"Hey Pete! You excited for pride month?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just wish it could be a real pride month. It's my first one out of the closet and everyone else has been to the parades and stuff, I just wish I could have my shot." I said.

"I get it, it's tough. Just remember that I'm here for you. And hey, Bucky is probably making a ton of pride cookies.

"Yeah, he's done gay, lesbian, Bi, Pan, transgender, and he's working on asexual and gender fluid." I reported.

"You are all going to be fat by the end of quarantine." Clint said.

"Yeah, but Steve made us eat a healthy dinner last night."

"Him and his forties crap. We like junk food!" Clint exclaimed.

"You don't even have to eat it."

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