Once Upon a Soldier

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Inspired by Jefferson from Once Upon a Time (Honestly I'm so happy I go this request bc Once Upon a Time was my entire childhood.) (Request)  (Also puffins are just f-ed up creatures)

Update, I'm taking a short break. I don't have enough time to write with my job, field hockey, school, and piano. Once field hockey season is over I will be back on my normal schedule. I may occasionally post. For those of you who don't know, field hockey season is over at the end of October.

Bucky's POV

I was slowly getting my memory back. Bit by bit. I would get flashbacks of sorts, seeing little scenes flash across my mind. I walked into the kitchen but tripped over the step stool that Tony used.

"Wow, so graceful, the Winter Soldier everyone!" Sam said. A face flashed across my mind, a little girl who was smiling.

"You alright Buck?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, just another memory." I said.

"What's it this time?" Nat asked.

"A face. A little girl, dirty blonde hair, smiling." I said.

"It will come together, don't worry." Steve said.

"Yeah, I just feel like she is important." I said. I went to my room and wrote it down in my notebook. A couple weeks had passed and I was still thinking about that kid, no other memory has had this effect on me. I walked into the meeting room with Steve. Tony was busy looking at a layout of a warehouse.

"Hi." I said

"Goodness grace you scared me!" He said. A memory flashed across my mind. It was the girl. She was holding my hand and trying to pull me with her.

"Daddy!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry Gracie, the bad guys would hurt you if I don't go."I said.

"No!" She said, tears running down her face. I looked and saw a sign with the words Storybrooke, Maine on it.

"Bucky? Bucky?" Steve asked.


"You blacked out there for a minute, what happened?" He asked.

"I just remembered something. I have to go." I said and went to my room. I pulled out my computer and looked up where the hell Storybrooke, Maine is.

"Buck, what are you looking at? What's going on?" Steve asked.

"I have a kid. Her name is Grace and I think I left her at an orphanage in Storybrooke, Maine. I have to get her, I left her because I think Hydra would have hurt her or something." I said. I printed out the instructions to Storybrooke, to Grace.

"Woah, wait. First look up the orphanage, make sure that she is still there. Secondly, don't rush into this, you just found out, maybe we can take a vacation there and stay for a week or so." Steve said.

"We?" I asked.

"Or I guess just you. I would only come for safety, what if you have a flashback while driving?"

"Alright. Let's get ready tonight and leave tomorrow morning, we're taking the Bug. And don't talk to people while we are there, I just want to find out if I have a kid." I said and pushed Steve towards his room.

"Okay." Steve said and smiled. The next day we set out to find Grace, the orphanage is still open so hopefully she is still there. We were driving near the shore and I looked out to the ocean.

"bUcKy StOp!" Steve said. I looked at the road and there was a weird ass bird.

"RAAUUHH! RAAuuuh!" The bird made a weird noise.

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