Stark Expo

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"Phoebe, sit up straight and clap. Mr. Hammer has done a very good job on these robots." My mother said. I always thought that Stark Industries was better, they have much better protection on their system unlike Hammer Industries which I have hacked countless times.

Mr. Hammer rambled on and on. It was so boring until Iron Man showed up and he and the War Machine got in and involuntary fight. They shot through the roof and glass shard rained down on us. One piece got stuck in my shoulder.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed at their bloodied bodies, "Alsid, search for a pulse." I asked my homemade AI.

"No pulse found. An Army robot is coming this way to make sure everyone's dead. Shall I hide your pulse?" Alsid asked.

"Yes." I said and then fell down pretending to be dead. My leg slightly stuck out of the aisle and the robot stepped on it.

"Do not scream. Once they leave you will be safe." Alsid whispered.

"Is the coast clear?" I asked.

"Yes." Alsid responded. I started to crawl my way to the door.

"Is anyone hurt here?" A voice asked.

"Help." I squeaked out. Footsteps ran towards me.

"I'm Agent Romanoff. You will be safe with me. Let me help you up." She said and lifted me to my feet. I stood on my own for a second and then fell.

"Sorry." I said.

"Broken leg. I should've seen that. Do you know those people?" She asked nodding towards my parents bodies. I nodded and then the tears fell. She helped me to an plane and sat with me the entire flight.

"When we get back to Shield they will fix your leg." She told me and I nodded.

"Will I be sent to an orphanage?" I asked.

"No. I think Fury might have a plan for you." She said with a smirk.

"Who's Fury?" I asked.

"He is the director of Shield. You show a lot of promise and we are starting up something new that you might apply to." She said. When we got to Shield they put to sleep so they could fix me.

When I woke up the sun was shining in my face. I looked over and saw Agent Romanoff with a man.

"How long have I been out?" I asked. They looked shocked to see me.

"A little over a year. It's December 28, 2012." The man said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Fury and this is Natasha."

"Where is the dumbo who killed my parents and put me in a coma?" I asked.

"You mean Tony Stark. Yeah, he is going through some stuff." Fury laughed. Just then Tony walked in.

"Speak of the devil." Natasha said and I glared at him.

"Woah kid. Why are you mad at me?" He asked.

"You put her in a coma and killed her parents when you crashed through the roof. You know, ever since New York you have just been plain stupid. Just like when you were dying!" At the mention of the last day I can remember my breathing rate increased along with my heart rate. Words flashed around me but I could keep track of them. When I got back to normal I saw Tony sitting in the corner.

"Alsid, what happened." I asked.

"It appears you went through a panic attack." She responded. I saw Tony ask the same question to Friday and get the same answer. We looked at each other and then Tony left the room.

"What happened at New York?" I asked.

"There was a battle that really traumatized Tony. He gets anxiety and panic attacks now." Natasha said and I nodded.

"When can I leave?" I asked.

"Whenever you want. However, we need to show you your room at the Avengers Complex." She said and I followed her to my room. It was just like my room at my old home except with more technology.

"Thank you." I said. This was amazing.

"I'll leave you to it." I was left alone in the room.

"Alsid, is there another AI inhabiting this complex?" I asked.

"Yes, it is an AI by the name of Friday." Alsid replied.

"Hello? Friday?" I asked.

"Hello Miss Phoebe. I am Friday. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yeah... can I hook up another AI to you so that you respond to both names?" I asked.

"Yes. Please tell me the AI's name so I can connect."

"Alsid." I said.

"Alsid is now connected. Will that be all?"

"Yes. Thank you Friday." I sat in my room for a few hours until there was a know on my door.

"Coming!" I called. I opened the door to reveal Mr. Stark.

"Oh... you." I said.

"What do you hold against me?" He asked.

"You crashed through a roof and the shards killed my parents." I said.

"That was indirect and I saved thousands of other lives! It is just you who has a problem! Why do you not blame Mr. Hammer whose robots broke your leg! Or Whiplash for getting through the system!" Mr. Stark shout. I backed up and felt a panic attack come on.

"Get out!" I screamed.

"Woah, woah, woah. I'm sorry. Clam down." Mr. Stark said gently. I shook my head and fell to the ground.

"No. No. No. No." I repeated.

"Can you breath with me?" I nodded. In. Out. In. Out. Soon I calmed down.

"I'm going to get Nat. Will you be alright?" He asked and I nodded. When Nat came in she sat down next to me.

"Tony told me about your episode. What happened?" Nat asked.

"H-he raise his v-voice at me l-like b-before when my f-father w-would b-beat m-me." I stuttered and then cried into Nats shoulder. I never told anyone that. She gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry. Do you want some time alone?" She asked.

"No." I said quickly. Nat nodded and stayed with me. After a few minutes she called someone and after a short conversation she hung up.

"How would like to be my kid?" She asked.

"Really!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, someone needs to take care of you and the rest of the people here are idiots." Nat said and made me laugh.

"Sure." I said with a smile on my face.

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