A Marvelous Hunger Games

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District 1: Captain America, Captain Marvel

District 2: Iron Man, Spider Man

District 3: Star Lord, Gamora

District 4: Black Widow, Hawkeye

District 5: Hulk, Thor

District 6: Loki, Valkyrie

District 7: Scarlett Witch, Quicksilver

District 8: Ant Man, Wasp

District 9: Winter Soldier, Falcon

District 10: Black Panther, Vision

District 11: Doctor Strange, Ms. America

District 12: Shadowcat, Mystique


Black Panther, Valkyrie, Mystique, Wasp, Quicksilver, Shadowcat, Thor, Loki, Captain Marvel, Ant Man, and Black Widow dash away from the Cornucopia. All of the hoping to save their own lives. Hawkeye runs into the Cornucopia, a seemingly stupid mistake, but he somehow survives. 

Star Lord, Captain America, Hulk, Gamora, Winter Soldier, Ms. America, Vision, and Falcon grab what they can before escaping to the woods, away from the bloodbath. Spider-Man, skirts the edge and grabs some throwing knives. 

Doctor Strange snagged some food and ran, hoping that the frozen lake would provide a safe escape. The ice cracks and he falls in, unable to find the hole he made.  He died from drowning in the freezing lake. 

Iron Man managed to grab some necessary provisions before making his run to the woods... only to step on a land mine places there by the sneaky Ant Man.


As Hawkeye started to get used to the environment he was thrown into, a package fell from the sky. He opened it and found a hatchet, it looks like he brave act caught the attention of the Capitol.

Quicksilver sat at the opening of a deep cave, eating some blueberries from a nearby bush. A parcel flew down from the sky. He opened his gift and saw an explosive. I knew my good looks would help me with at least something. I'm gonna do a whole lot of damage! Quicksilver thought.

Black Panther and Vision teamed up to look for other tributes. They chased Loki but he slipped away, sneaking through bushes and tree seeking higher ground. Valkyrie fought Spider-Man but saw that he was only a kid, she spared his life so that he may at least live for one day. 

Mystique made a shack, hidden by trees and bushes. From there she could see Black Widow who soon disappeared from view when she found a cave. Scarlett Witch fought with Captain Marvel at the tree line, severely injuring Captain Marvel and leaving her to bleed out. 

Falcon camouflaged himself in some bushes and from there he watched Captain America fish and Thor practice his archery. 


That night Thor protected his camp from Winter Soldier, Valkyrie, and Quicksilver. Star Lord and Hawkeye ran into each other, both expecting a fight, but they decided to call a truce for the night. Vision also received an explosive from a sponsor even though he did not know how to work it. 

Black Panther found a wounded Gamora and helped tend to her wounds. Loki, who spotted Captain America from his hill, snuck down to where he slept and killed the Captain in his sleep with a trusty sword he found. 

Gamora stole Quicksilvers explosive while he slept peacefully in his cave.


Gamora set off the stolen explosive, killing  Hawkeye, Valkyrie, Hulk, and Vision. Loki, on the offense, killed Shadowcat with his mighty sword. Falcon, still hidden away, successfully whittled a wooded spear.

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