The Same

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One of the upcoming chapters will be dare the Avengers so what ships and dares do you want (No hawksilver, spideypool, or any ship with major age difference or incest like seriously people are weird and gross)

Tony's POV

Shit shit shit! Steve was coming today. To the compound. Please save me. Since the Civil War, as the deemed it, between the Avengers it was just kind of assumed that Steve and I would get a divorce. I mean, he's a criminal but I still love him. It's been a week since he was pardoned and became a shield agent and he was coming here to officially talk about our relationship.

I threw on an AC/DC shirt and a suit jacket over it, classic Tony Stark style. I've been trying to keep things the same, it just makes everything easier. I haven't even touched Steve nightstand, afraid that if I move something it will suddenly disappear like he did. I saw the stolen Quinjet land. I went to the old common room where so many memories were made.

"Hey Tony." Steve said slowly as he walked in, he seemed like he felt out of place.

"Hey Steve, grab a seat will ya, don't be nervous." I said in my laid back fashion.

"Thanks." He said. There was silence for a while until he said, "So, everything's still the same here."

"Yeah." I said. Ugh, this was so awkward. How do I tell my sorta ex-husband even though it isn't confirmed yet that I still love him. 

"Was that an alpaca that just walked past the window?" Steve asked, his voice no longer quite and tentative but like his old confused and joking Steve Rogers voice.

"Uh yeah, Gerald, he's my alpaca. The place was getting quite and needed a little spice." I said, trying to be same me.

"How do you even take care of an alpaca? Honestly Tones, sometimes you just confuse me." There was a slight smile tugging at his face. 

"Well he's cuter than you." That's a lie.

"No offence taken." There was that silence for a little while longer, "Uh, do you mind if I can grab some things from our room?" 

"Yeah sure." We walked in silence down the cold hallways. We got to our old room and I opened the door for Steve. He went over to his side of the bed. 

"Everything's still the same." 

"Yeah, I couldn't bare to change things. Also I wouldn't want to go snooping through your things and find some oh so important top secret SHIELD info." I said.

"Thanks." I noticed he grabbed a picture of him and Bucky during the war and the compass. He pulled out his wedding ring from his pocket and left it there on the nightstand. That sent the message loud and clear.

We were no longer together.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Steve said as he looked around our old room. 

"I'll show you out." Again with the silent walking, why can't I just speak, just say anything about us! We came up to the door way that led out to the landing area. Steve turned to look at me before he spoke up.

"Tony, I see what you doing. You're holding onto the past, just like I used to. But you have to realize that things aren't the same. They aren't the same with the Avengers, with the world, or with us. I've moved on. I think that it would be good if you did too." Steve said before he headed out to the Quinjet. 

Bucky waited for him at the platform of the plane. I silently watched as Steve put his arm around the waist of the man who killed my mom. 


Okay definitely writing a part 2 for this but do you want extra angst with depresso Tony or equally angsty with extra tears or both or something else !!!!!!!

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