Cult of Dionysus

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This is my first song fic so wish me luck

Loki: Yesterday I heard you say your lust for life has gone away. It got me thinking, I think I feel a similar way and that's sad

Sylvie: That's sad

Loki: So let's make a decision, start a new religion. Yeah, we're gonna build a temple to our love.

Sylvie: Orgiastic dances, nymphs in trances

Both: Yeah, we'll be the envy of the gods above

Loki:I'm feeling devious

Sylvie: You're looking glamorous

Loki: Let's get mischievous

Sylvie: And polyamorous

Both: Wine and women and wonderful vices. Welcome to the cult of Dionysus!

Sylvie: We could take a Holiday in the month of May. Run free and play in fields of flowers pass the hours.

Loki: making love is how we'll pray. Or start a secret society for the wild and free our ideology is "You can do what you want too much is never enough"

Sylvie: We are the Life, we are the light

Both: We are the envy of the gods above

Loki:I'm feeling devious

Sylvie: You're looking glamorous

Loki: Let's get mischievous

Sylvie: And polyamorous

Both: Wine and women and wonderful vices. Welcome to the cult of Dionysus!

Loki: Run, run, run away. Just take my hand and we'll abandon this world. We'll wash those tears away. You're young and beautiful, and I'll love you always

Sylvie: We got no time for pain when it's just you and me in ecstasy.

Loki: What is with the world today the wicked games that people play

Sylvie: The wars, the greed they waste away. Yeah, it's sad

Loki: It's sad. So let's spread the word across the land. Yeah, one by one, baby hand in hand

Sylvie: We got a mission of hope

Loki: We got a message of love

Both: Soon everybody, everywhere will be the envy of the gods above

Loki:I'm feeling devious

Sylvie: You're looking glamorous

Loki: Let's get mischievous

Sylvie: And polyamorous

Both: Wine and women and wonderful vices. Welcome to the cult of Dionysus!

Loki:I'm feeling devious

Sylvie: You're looking glamorous

Loki: Let's get mischievous

Sylvie: And polyamorous

Both: Wine and women and wonderful vices. Welcome to the cult of Dionysus!

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