Hydra's Soldier

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"Good job, these tests are becoming easier for you, are they not? List will be proud of you. You may be able to meet your father." My trainer said. I stayed in the room while he looked for List. A few minutes later they both entered.

"Ah, my perfect experiment. Your father will be proud." List said. I was pulled down the halls and pushed into a room. A man with long brown hair sat in the corner.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"They call me the Winter Soldier." He responded.

"So your my father." I said.

"I'm your what?"

"Father, didn't someone tell you?"

"No. I did have a mission to make the next soldier like me but they said it was unsuccessful."

"I guess they lied to you."

"What is your name?"

"Operation Soldier." I said.

"It looks like we'll be training together."

Over the months Winter and I pieced together parts of our past that we forgot. His real name was James Buchanan Barnes but he liked to be called Bucky and he fought in WWII. My real name was Y/N Barnes  and my mother escaped from Hydra and we lived on the run for five years. We were in our cell when he heard yelling from upstairs.

"What's going on?" I asked a guard. He turned around and he looked liked he was listening to a message over the coms and then he shot me.

I stumbled back and clutched my side. Everything was blurry. I fell down and leaned against the wall. Bucky was at my side trying to stop the bleeding. People with an eagle badge on their shoulder killed the guard and broke into our cell. The took me from Bucky's arms and I lost consciousness.

I woke up in a foreign room. The walls were white with plexiglass on the top half. I could see into a lab area and there was an SSR logo on a brick wall.

"You're awake already! Wow, must be the serum. My name is Gemma Simmons, how are you feeling?" A girl with fawn hair asked.

"Where is Bucky?" I asked.

"He is in a meeting with Director Coulson. Now, how are you feeling."

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Just six hours. Now please answer my question, how are you feeling?" She said exasperatedly.

"Good, my side hurts a bit. I'm guessing it doesn't hurt more because of the pain killers."

"That is correct. I will leave you be and I'll tell Bucky you're awake when he's out of the meeting." She said and left. I saw someone bolt down the hallway, jump over tables, and avoid people to get to my room.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you need water? Do you need food? I can get food if you want, they have a vending machine." Bucky asked in rapid fire.

"Bucky! The meeting! Fury still want to talk!" A man will only a little hair said.

"Sorry Coulson, my kid was awake." Bucky said.

"That's why you were staring at the screen behind me. Also, Y/N, I'm Director Coulson. Welcome to Shield." The man said.

"About that meeting with Fury, I can just hack in with my phone." Bucky said and took out his phone. A minute late Fury was on the screen.

"I'll go and get your friend." Coulson said and left.

"Thanks. I'm sorry I had to leave but my daughter was awake." Bucky said.

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