The Fall of the Valkyrie

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Also Kara is the girl who saved Val in the vision in Thor: Ragnarok, I also believe this is true because Valkyrie said she lost everything to Hela

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Also Kara is the girl who saved Val in the vision in Thor: Ragnarok, I also believe this is true because Valkyrie said she lost everything to Hela

Valkyrie's POV

"Hey Bruni," Kara said as she rolled over in bed and booped my nose.

"Hey cutie," I said and smiled. I loved mornings like this, the sun was bright, Asgard was at peace, and I had my everything smiling next to me. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. Her soft golden hair fell across her shining face.

"You know we have to get up to go to training, right?" Kara said and brushed the lock of hair out of her face.

"Can't we skip a day, isn't there like a post marriage vacation or something?" 

"Bruns, we just came back from that, it's time to go to work." Kara said and tried to get out of my grasp.

"Nope." I said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh I see, you're scared that you'll lose to me." Kara said with a smirk. I shot out of bed.

"There is no way that I'll lose." I said.

"I doubt that." 

"You know, I know that you just said that to get me out of bed." I said and put on my clothes.

"I know you know." Kara said as she also got dressed.

"And I know that you knew that I knew." I said.

"I love you." Kara said and  pulled me into a kiss. Every time she said those words it was like the first time she said them all over again.

"I know." I said. 


Ever since that day I smiled knowing I was waking up with my love. However, when I woke that morning she wasn't there. I got dressed and found a note from her, I went to train a bit early, also rumors of Odin sending us to calm down his crazy daughter. Ugh, Hela was the worst. I went down to the training area, most of us were here, I saw Mist playing with Odin's son, Thor. Frigga stood nearby holding their newborn son, Loki.

"Hello my love." I said as I walked over to Kara.

"Good morning."

"I want a kid." I said. Kara smiled.

"Were you looking at Frigga with Thor and Loki again?"

"Yes and I want one." I said. 

"Well then, perhaps we should start a family." Kara said and kissed me. My heart filled with joy, we could start a family soon.

"Valkyrie!" Odin said, "Hela, the Goddess of Death is trying to escape her prison. We have sent warriors but they have not come back. Subdue her and make sure that she never causes trouble again."

"Ugh, I hate getting mixed up in their family squabbles." Kara said to me.

"I know, and he won't even tell Thor that he has a sister." I said as I mounted my winged horse.  We flew off to the Bifrost and were taken to Helheim. 

I saw Hela, dressed in black and green, tossing swords that stabbed through my fellow Valkyrie. Their bodies littered the ground along with the warriors that were sent early. My horse was stabbed and I was thrown off. I stood up and held tightly onto my Dragonfang, the sword of the Valkyries. 

It seemed to happen in slow motion, I saw Kara running towards me, she shouted something that I could not hear over the sounds of battle. She pushed me down and the next thing I knew a black sword sprouted from her chest. She fell down on me. I wiggled out form under her and placed her head on my lap.

"No no no. Please no. Kara, why did you do that. We were going to start a family." I cried into her shoulder. Her white suit was stained red. 

I lost my everything.


I got up from my thrown on New Asgard. No one knew the details of that massacre except for Loki and I, that stupid bring-painful-memories-back bastard. I walked down to the memorial for the Fall of the Valkyrie and placed flowers on Kara's plaque. 

"Hello, I thought I would find you here." An annoyingly familiar voice said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just came to give you my condolences." Loki said.

"Oh really, for what, your second death this week?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Also what are your pronouns today?"

"I'm feeling quite boyish today." He said.

"Alright, thanks, now get out of my face you stupid little man-child." I said and stalked past him.

"Why do you hate me?" Loki asked.

"Because I hate everything related to that day, including you." I said.

"How am I related to the Fall of the Valkyrie?"

"Because I saw Frigga with you before we went out on the mission and she seemed so happy so I asked Kara if she wanted to have kids and she said yes. We were going to start a family and you and Frigga were inspiration!" I snapped at him, "But then the mission happened and I lost my everything!" I shouted, tears rolling down my face. 

"I-I'm sorry. I should have been more sensitive." Loki said, actually seeming sincere.

"It's fine." 

"You know, there are a lot of children who are orphaned after... you know. If you still want to have a family that is an option." Loki mentioned

"I know, I've been thinking about it. I just can't imagine a family without her." I said.

"Understandable. Have a nice day." Loki said and walked off. 

I looked across the street and saw children playing. Maybe, I would adopt a child. And tell them stories about Kara and the adventures of the Valkyrie. Paint a picture in their mind of what Asgard was like before all of the family drama happened. I'd tell them stories of Natasha Romanoff, the woman who held the world together in a time when it seemed impossible. Maybe I would start the family I've always wanted. 

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