Grandson of America

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Peter doesn't have his spider powers yet. And Sharon Carter is not existing.

Peter's POV

They're gone. Aunt May saved me but she and Uncle Ben didn't make it. Stupid drunk drivers. I had a little cut but it wasn't worthy to mention. I sat in the police station, tears rolling down my face.

"Hey kiddo, do you have any other Aunts or Uncles that can take care of you?" The policemen asked.

"No." I mumbled.

"Grandparents?" he asked.

"Well, yeah but I haven't met my grandfather and he was kinda dead but now he isn't and it's really confusing and he doesn't exactly know I even exist. I remember his number so can I just call him?" I rambled.

"Sure. Here's money for the payphone." He said and gave me a few quarters. I went in and called him. It rang for a bit but soon it was picked up.

"Hello? This is Steve Rogers." A voice on the other end said.

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker. I know this may seem weird or fake but I'm your grandson and I'm sorry for just calling you now but you probably had a lot of work to before and also now so i'm really sorry. Anyways, you're my last living relative as of two hours ago." I said quickly.

"Whoa, kid, calm down. How are you my grandson, because I don't remember being related to any Parker's?"

"My Mom's maiden name was Rogers-Carter." I said.

"Oh my god. Where are you? I'll pick you up." My grandfather said.

"The police station in Queens." I said.

"I'll be there soon. I can't believe I'm going to meet my grandson." The last part was said quietly but in disbelief. I hung up the phone.

"Is your grandpa coming here?" The police officer asked and I nodded. About 20 minutes later the door opened and everyone was surprised to see Captain America in regular clothes. He spotted me and came over to me.

"H-hi. I'm Peter." I said, wiping the tear from my eyes. I didn't want to be crying when I met my last living relative but the tears kept coming.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Like crap." I said.

"That's understandable. C-can I hug you?" He asked. I nodded and he hugged me. It felt nice. Like I was being loved again.

"Thank you." I said.

"It's alright. I'm going to sign some papers and I'll be right back." He said. He signed the papers and we left. I got in his car and we drove off. It was silent for a bit.

"What's that on your side? You're bleeding!"

"It's not that much. It's fine." I said.

"No, that is a lot of blood. We're going to the hospital. Put pressure on the wound." Mr. Rogers said.

"Fine. It's not that bad though." I said. We got to the hospital and they gave me some anesthetic and I went to sleep.

Steve's POV

I was so worried. They said he lost a pint of blood and that there was shrapnel in the wound. It must have been from the car crash.

"Is anyone here for Mr. Peter Parker?" A nurse announced. I looked up and walked over to her.

"How is he? It's not too bad, is it?" I asked.

"Don't worry he's fine. He is just a little loopy from the drugs but you can go see him." The nurse said. I took out my phone to record the loopy Peter. I walked to his room and entered. He was laying in his bed with a smile on his face.

"Hey Peter, how are you feeling? You lost a lot of blood."

"Fine. I feel great. Blood's a funny word. Blood blood blood blood blood." He said.

"Yeah it is. Can I get you anything?" I asked.

"Nope! I feel funny."

"They had to give you drugs." I said.

"I took drugs! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! I won't do it again. I'm sorry." Peter said and he started to cry.

"Oh it's okay. It's a good drug that helped the doctors fix you." I said.

"You sound like a drug dealer. Are you a drug dealer. CAPTAIN AMERICA IS A DRUG DEALER!" Peter shouted.

"No, I'm your grandpa." I said.

"You don't look old. You can't be a grandpa." He said.

"I'm 98 years old, kid." I said.



"Coolio. I'm gonna rest." He said and he fell asleep. I ended the recording on my phone. I watched Peter for a bit but the my phone rang.

"Hey Steve, where are you, it's game night, you never miss game night." Tony said.

"Sorry. I found out I have a grandson and his Aunt and Uncle died in a car crash. I'm his last living relative. He got hurt but didn't tell anyone. I drove him to the hospital, he got stitches, then he was loopy on the anesthetic, and now he is asleep." I said.

"Wow. Okay. Cool. Do you want me to tell the others?" Tony asked.

"Not yet, can you put Bucky on the phone?" There was a pause.

"Hey Steve." Bucky said.

"Hey Buck." I said and then explained everything.

"Wow! I'm call dibs on Great Uncle." He said.

"If you want to visit him you can come over now?" I offered.

"Sure. Hey Tony, here's your phone back!" He shouted. I heard a crash.

"Come on man!" I heard Tony shout and the line went dead. A few minutes later, Bucky walked in.

"This is your grandson?" He asked.

"Yup. I'm his last family member." I said.

"I never knew you had the guts to ask Peggy Carter out!" Bucky said.

"Haha. Very funny. I am sad that I never got to meet my daughter though." I said.

"What was her name?" Bucky asked.

"Mary. And then she married Richard Parker." I said.

"And why is he asleep now, I though he would be awake?"

"He was but they put him on drugs and he was loopy and then he fell asleep." I said.

"Please tell me you got a video of it."

"Of course! Why kind of guardian would I be if I didn't video tape him!" I said. I pulled out my phone and showed him the video.

"That could win an Oscar. Pure gold." Bucky said and we laughed.

"Watcha laughing about." A voice said. I looked over and saw that Peter was awake.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Good. Who's the man next to you who looks like Jesus. Please tell me you can see him and I'm not going to die." Peter said.

"That's Bucky. He was my best friend in the 40s and he fell off a train and got kidnapped by Hydra and became the Winter Soldier. He was frozen and only defrosted for when he had to do missions. Oh, and he was also brainwashed but he's okay now." I explained.

"Way to tell my life story, now I have nothing to tell the kid!" Bucky complained.

"What about, I don't know, hi!" I said sarcastically.

"Hi." Bucky said.

"Hi Mr. Winter Soldier." Peter said.

"Just call me Bucky Barnes."

"Alright Mr. Bucky Winter Soldier Barnes." Peter said with a smirk.

"Dear God child!" Bucky said. Peter started to laugh and I joined.

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