Stark Internship

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Tony's POV

I was at a school science fair thing except these kids had a lot more riding on this than a blue ribbon. The prize would be an internship with me. A lot of these kids are really smart but they were just making mini versions of Jarvis and Friday. Next up was a kid doing the same thing.

"Hello my name is Natalie and I present to you a new type of AI. This AI will use the name you choose for it. It can do many different things. For example, Amanda what is the weather like today?"

"It is sunny outside. However you are sweating so much because you are nervous that it might be raining in here." Amanda said.

"Thank you Amanda. As you can see, you can enable her to roast you. I know you are all thinking 'oh this is just another AI that a kid built' However, this AI can do much more. Amanda take human formation and play the piano." Natalie said. The little speaker box turned into an iron formation of a human and went to the grand piano behind the girl. It started to play Fur Elise. We all stood up and clapped.

"Why thank you." Amanda said when it finished.

"Amanda take a bow." Natalie said and the AI did as it was told. This girl has a lot in her future, I think the internship will do her good.

The girl took a bow with her AI as we continued to clap. Suddenly, gunshots rang out and the girl fell to the floor. I took out my emergency Iron Man suit and put it on. I blasted a hole in the wall to allow people to get out. I flew over the bleeding girl and held her near my suit.

"Friday, is anyone else injured." I asked

"No Mr. Stark. The police are now here and have taken down the intruder.

"Thank you Friday." I said and flew off to the Avengers compound.

"Hey Tony! I saw what happened on the news! The doctors are ready downstairs!" Bruce said and I followed him down the stairs. I handed the girl off to the doctors and then went down to my lab to take off my suit.

"Anthony Edward Stark." A voice said and out stepped Pepper.

"Heeeeyyy Pepper."

"What were you thinking bringing that girl home! Her parents could be looking for her right now and you dare bring her back and cause her parents distress! How would you like it if Morgan just got taken away by some stranger!" Pepper shouted at me.

"I was just going to look that up." I said quietly. Pepper scared me sometimes.

"Okay then, Friday look up stats on the girl that Tony brought home." Pepper said.

"Her name is Natalie." I said.

"Hey Tony, she's up." Bruce said coming downstairs. I ran upstairs and saw the girl.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Well you got shot at the science fair and I brought you here. Who are your parents?" I asked.

"Don't have any. Well I did but not anymore. My dad died in some war before I was born and my mom died giving birth to me. I have not other family." Natalie said.

"Oh. Wow. I want to give you some good news by saying that you got the Stark Internship." I told her and a smile grew across her face.

"Really! Thank you Mr. Stark! I won't let you down!" She reminded me so much of Peter.

"Okay, so since you will need a place to stay, would you like to be between Spider-Man and Black Widow or Spider-Man and Hawkeye?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I'm gonna need to have you stay here because the technology you will see on the job is something that people will kill for information. We need to protect you kid." I said.

"What does the internship involve?" She asked.

"Oh just improving suits and making blasters." I said.


"Yeah." I said. A smiler glowed on her face.

"I know that I have been shot today but this is the best day of my life!" She said and I laughed.

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