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Nova's POV

Normally, school would be easy for kids. Not me. Not when your picked on and you want to fight back but one punch from you and the person is dead. Most kids don't have super strength and fly. Most kids don't have two, technically three, identities.

1. Nova Aluesta, regular kid

2. Aero Girl, vigilante superhero

3. Knokacon, birth name from home planet

Yeah, I know, it's a lot. I don't use the last one anymore, everyone from home is dead. At least I look human and I'm not that human stereotype that aliens are green. The Kree aren't green, why do all aliens have to be green!

"Nova! Get down here now!" Mrs. Crystal shouted, she's the owner of the orphanage. Her husband owns the boys home across the street.

"Coming." I shouted back and walked downstairs, "What's up?" I asked.

"We have a family for you." Mrs. Crystal said with a smile. I've been here for ten years since I was three years old, she has always had my back.


"Yup! Now get in there and blow their hats off, or well, one of them has a helmet." Mrs. Crystal said and I gave her a confused look as I walked in. There stood Tony Stark in an Iron Man suit and Carol Danvers wearing a baseball cap.

"Do they know?" I asked with a defeated look on my face. Mrs. Crystal nodded.

"When we find alien DNA we do our research." Mr. Stark said.

"No duh. What do you know?" I asked.

"That you're an alien and most likely have powers like me." Ms. Danvers said.

"You got that right. Super strength and flying. True super strength, none of that fake crap like Captain America." I said.

"He is strong." Mr. Stark said.

"He can't lift a building and throw it a mile. Which is definitely not something I have not done."

"Double negative, a lie." Someone said, "Natasha Rogers, last name previously known as Romanoff." The person said and stepped out from the shadows.

"Okay, in my defense, I was three and someone stole my toy. I got a little mad... and yeah, I threw a building." I said.

"Are there anymore like you?" Mrs. Rogers said.

"Dead. Even so I was the only one with two powers. Everyone had one power, some could fly, others had super strength, or they had one elemental power. I was the only one with two. They fought to protect me. Sent me on a ship programmed for earth." I said.


"Unknown. Each family is given one child. Sometimes it's theirs, sometimes it's not. It helps us be equal." I said.

"What planet was it?"

"Kaco." I said.

"Interesting." Mr. Stark said.

"Why are you here?"

"To adopt you." Mr. Stark said. I shrugged.

"Take me and get on with your experiments." I said.

"You do realize that I'm part alien and they have not hurt me or experimented on me." Ms. Danvers said.

"One, not exactly and alien. Two-"

"Then what are you?" Mr. Stark said.

"An enhanced being from another planet in space. Also, isn't it the human stereotype that all aliens are green. I don't look green, do I?" I said.

Marvel OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora