Peter Parker Field Trip

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Oh the joy of the horrendous English class... not. This was my least favorite subject. At least I have chemistry next. After what seemed like forever, the bell rang and I zoomed off to chem.

"Everyone! Please take your seats. We have an upcoming field trip on Wednesday and Thursday and you need to know some information." Our teacher said.

"Where are we going?" Flash shouted.

"Do not shout out Flash. And we will be going to Stark Industries and get to sleep over there." The rest was a blur. We can NOT go there. The Avengers will embarrass me. They were all like overprotective aunts and uncles and if the see Flash call me Penis Parker then they will explode... especially Clint and Nat.

After school was over I went home, got in my suit, and had Karen called Pepper (she is the only sensible one).

"Hey Peter! You do not know how happy I am that you called! I have stuck at my desk all day." Pepper complained.

"Hi Miss. Potts. I really need your help."

"Is something wrong do you need backup?" She asked worriedly.

"No. Well kinda. I have a field trip to the tower on Wednesday and doing know how to stop the Avengers. They will humiliate me!" I said.

"Calm down Peter. Clint is easy, we just close all the vents. I can bribe Thor and Loki with Pop Tarts. I will try and get Bruce and Tony interested about something in the lab. I can't think of anything for the others." Pepper said.

"Okey so that is about half the humiliation. Thank you Miss. Potts." I said.

"Anytime Peter and good luck." She said before hanging up the phone. I swung around the city looking for crime.

I stopped a few shoplifters, a stolen bike, and helped some tourists with directions. I swung back home in time for Aunt May's dinner.

"Hey Spider Boy! Ready for dinner?" May asked.

"Yeah! I just need you to sign a field trip form." I said and grabbed the paper.

"Stark Industries." May looked at me and started to laugh.

"What!" I said.

"You are going to be humiliated. Mr. Stark called earlier saying that he thinks your school was coming on a field trip there sometime soon and that all the Avengers were planning payback pranks." May said while still laughed. I shock my head.

"I talked it over with Pepper and we have a plan to get some of them out of the way." I said.

"I'm not sure that will work." May said and I knew she was right.

*Time skip brought to you by Myrtle the Turtle*

"Hey Penis Parker! You ready to be proven wrong today!" Flash shouted. Mr. Harrison brought me to the side.

"I'm not sure if I can believe you about your internship. If it is a lie, please stop before you embarrass yourself in front of the class." He said before leaving me. We filed onto the bus and we were taken to Stark industries. When we got there everyone was given passes except me because I have my 'intern' badge. Mr. Stark gave me a real intern level badge incase something like this came up.

"Hello. I'm Emily and I will be your tour guide. Once you swipe out of the building your badges will be useless. I see we have one my fellow interns here. Hi Peter!" Em said. 

"Hi Em." I responded.

"Anyways, your badges will allow you to go to the guest training area, intern labs, cafeteria, museum, and the ground floor. Right now we will set off to the museum." Em said. We were given 30 minutes to explore the museum.

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