Peter Parker Field Trip: Decathalon Contest

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(This one is reeeeeaaaalllllllllllllly long)

Peter's POV

"Everyone! Pay attention please!" Mr. Harrington said. We all shut up.

"Whose house are you at this week?" Ned whispered in my ear.

"Tony's." I whispered back.

"There is a contest between all Decathlon teams in NYC. It is taking place at the Avengers Tower. The winner will get to spend the rest of the day and Saturday with the Avengers and a free pass to the museum that doesn't expire." I held back a laugh and I saw Ned doing the same.

We constantly visited the museum when a new part was added. We haven't gone in forever because there has been construction on it. I then realized that people could learn about my adopted family. Tony and Aunt May have shared custody of me but since Aunt May has recently turned to alcohol to drown out her misery, Tony's been trying to get full custody of me.

Today was Steve's turn to pick me up at school. It was funny seeing the hilarious assortment of cars picking me up when I was with Tony. Steve was in an army jeep with the hood down.

"Hey kiddo! How was school today?" Steve asked.

"Hey Steve. And it was good. We do have a minor problem. We have to scrape the entire tower clear of anything Peter except my internship." I said.

"And why is that?"

"My class is going on a field trip there and I am not ready for kids to learn about my adopted family. Also, Tony doesn't want people know just yet." I said.

"Okay. I understand." Steve said and soon we got to the tower. I ran ahead of Steve to find Tony in his lab,

"Tony! We need to get rid of me! My class is coming here next Friday on a field trip!" I said. Tony's eyes widened.

"I got you kid. Fri, tell everyone to go to the living room." Tony said and I followed him to the living room. Almost everyone was there except Bucky. I sat down.

"Where's Bucky?" I whispered in Nat's ear.

"Sick." She responded.

"Peter's class is coming next Friday." Tony started.

"Yes sir." Friday said.

"No, not you Friday, the day Friday."

"Sorry sir."

"Anyways, you have to pretend to not know him. We don't want the fact that we're his family to get out. Remember, there are people that will hurt our precious Peter to get to us." Tony said in his overprotective dad speech.

"Tones, we get it!" Rhodey said.

"We've heard this a million times!" Clint complained.

"Just be careful." Tony said. Everyone nodded and then cleared the area.

*time skip (Peter is at May's house)*

"Bye May! See you later!" I shouted.

"Keep your voice down." She said, still hungover from the night before. I rolled my eyes and went to school. Today was the day if the trip and the Avengers had everything in place for my safety. I wore my yellow decathlon blazer.

"Hey MJ!" I said as I walked up to her next to the bus.

"Hey Pete, Ned's in the back." She said.

"Thanks." I said and sat across from Ned.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yup! Who do you think is gonna ruin it if we win?"

"Bucky. He wasn't at the meeting aka Tony ranting because he was sick." I said.

Marvel OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora