Tony Stank

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The Avengers were bored in quarantine and they knew that their dear friend was using this time to answer some fan mail.

Tony Stark was sitting in his office responding to some fan mail. Earlier that morning, Natasha snuck in and placed 10 neatly packaged notes on the pile. He picked up the first one.

Dear Tony Stank,

I told you this would come back to get you. It is like the virus at first, It never goes away and it only grows.

Your friend,
Rhodey (And Bruce because I don't want to write a letter -Bruce)

That's a funny prank, Tony Stark thought.

Dear Tony Stank,

I found out. This might appear at a press conference or better... online. You can't hide anything from a spy.


Oh dear G-d

Dear Stank of Tony,

It tis I, Thor! God of Thunder, brother of loki, master of pranks, great with children but you won't let me baby sit Peter.


Dear Tony Stank a Bank,

Caw Caw Motherf*ck*r!

-The Bird Bois

Dear Tony Stank,

Good luck for what comes next.

Pepper & Peter
(I insisted on doing the fancy and -Peter)
(I said that a normal and would be fine -Pepper)
(But it's better to be fancy -Peter)
(It's a prank, we don't have to be fancy -Pepper)

He smiled at the letter but worry creeped up on him

Dear Tony Stank,

Sorry for killing your parents (and hiding it from you) I was fine with hiding it (I wasn't) Anyways yeah. Have fun with the other letters.

@The Dudes From the 40s
(Peter taught us the @ and now we be coolio)

He was proud of his son.

Dear Tony Stank,

It's me! The superiorly better and more musically inclined Peter Quill (Pause for crowd to cheer) I have a message for you... AC/DC SUCKS!

*The All Amazing Peter Quill

He was gonna kill Peter Quill the next time that he stepped on earth.

"Friday, Set up Kill Peter Quill Protocol" he said.

"Yes sir."

Dear Tony Stank,

Ignore anything Peter says, he's an idiot. (I am Groot) No he is an idiot. I missed when you were a teen and you were on my side. (I am Groot)

-Gamora and Groot

Dear Tony Stank,

I better at technology than you.

Peter and Shuri and maybe T'Challa (he clueless)
(She beat me with the and argument -Peter)
(Because I am amazing -Shuri)

Dear Tony Stank,

Please make Peter be able to shrink like me. We want to have a sleepover in my daughters dollhouse. It's like a mansion!


"Friday, add making Peter's Suit Shrink to to-do list."

"Done, Sir." He knew that Hope was scary and if he didn't listen to Scott he would be ant food.

He opened the last one and a glitter bomb when off in his face. He got up and took a shower. He went back to his desk to finish answering fan mail. He picked up one last letter before going to prank his friends back.

Dear Tony Stank,

I created you but you've made a big mess of the world. And get Pepper the purse, flowers just die. And be sure to hug Peter, he's just so huggable! And make sure to thank the Author who's writing this. Thank you for letting me be in your movies. If you're getting this letter, my wife sent it because I passed. Don't worry, I'll find a way to crash your movies! You can never escape me!

~Stan Lee  

Tony smiled and a tear escaped his eye. He folded up the paper and put it in a box where he put all of his favorite letters. That letter was the only one in the box beside and old one that Peter wrote him when he was 10.

"Thank you Mr. Lee." He whispered, "We'll all miss you. Even those fans you rambled about."

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