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To quote Kitty Pryde "I am Jewish... and I want people to know who and what I am. I tell people because, hey, if we're going to have a problem with it... I'd like to know"


I lived at a small, old Jewish orphanage in New York City. It was mainly peaceful. I went to a school for orphans. Some kids were nice, others... not so much. Just my luck that I was labeled nerd by the popular kids.

I sat down at my usual lunch table, alone. I pulled out my Scarlett Witch comic book. She's my favorite Avenger because she's also Jewish and proud of it. Soon lunch was over and I went to my locker.

"L/N! Where is my homework? You said you'd get it done." Jamison sis fans he pushed me against the lockers.

"I didn't have time to do yours." I said. He let go of me and raised his fist to punch me. I put my hands up in an x to protect myself just to slow down the punch, but it never came. I looked up and I saw that I made a shield.

"You're one of those stupid mutants!" I put my arm down but it released a burst of energy. It sent Jamison into the wall. People started to whisper and point at me. I looked at my hand and ran. I ran into an alley way and cried.

Wanda's POV

Vision and I were touring a school that was specifically made for orphans. We were thinking about adopting.

"Most of the kids here are nice but we do have a few who are angry with their past." We turned the corner and I boy was about to hit a girl but she put up a shield.

She saw that she did that and she looked surprised. She brought her hands down but that sent a wave of energy towards the boy sending him into the wall. The poor girl looked terrified and she ran. I followed her, leaving Vis behind.


I was crying and I saw a figure.

"Are you okay?" It sounded like a female voice but everything was blurry through the tears, "It's okay, I won't hurt you. Is it okay if I give you a hug?" She asked.

"N-no. I m-might h-hurt-t y-you." I said.

"I saw what you did. It's okay, I'm a mutant to." She pulled me into a hug and I cried into her shoulder. I cleared away the tears and I saw that I was hugging Wanda Maximoff!

"I-I'm sorry. I'll go now." I said.

"Please wait. Was that your first time using your powers?" She asked.

"Yeah. I don't even know what they are. I don't want to hurt anyone but I already did." I said.

"That's okay. Sometimes I lose control of my powers and things just start to randomly levitate. It's normal and you're getting used to them. Now, which orphanage to do live at?" Mrs. Maximoff asked.

"Chai Orphanage." I said.

"The one that gets all those anti-Semitic attack?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's kinda scary." I said. She hugged me again and helped me up. I went back to school and Mrs. Maximoff had her arm around my shoulders. When I got to school people we staring at me but I looked at my feet to avoid their gazes.

"Hey, how are you?" Mr. Vision asked.

"We're good. Vis, she's the one. She's also Jewish and as of thirty minutes ago, a mutant." Mrs. Maximoff said.

"Where do you live?" Mr. Vision asked.

"Chai Orphanage." I said. Mr. Vision hugged me.

"It must be hard to see all that hate. You'll get away from it soon." He said. They excused me from the school and went to my orphanage. When we got there, there was Henry, he's the janitor, washing away the hateful words from the wall. He does this once a week.

"Hello, we are looking to adopt Y/N here." Mrs. Maximoff said.

"I'll get you the papers right away." Lacey said, she is one of the caretakers for us.

"Y/N, why don't you pack your stuff while we fill out the paperwork?" Mr. Vision suggest and I nodded. I walked up the old creaking stairs. I only had my clothes and a few books. I put them in a plastic bag.

I heard a crash and I saw a person who was on fire. Fire came out of there hands and they lit my room on fire. I made the shield thing and it made a half dome and I was against the wall. My shield flickered and then broke. Smoke filled my lungs. I coughed and coughed.

"Y/N! Y/N! Can you hear me?" Mrs. Maximoff yelled.

"Help." I said weakly. The smoke and fire was pushed to the side and I was lifted in the air. I was taken outside and out of a stretcher. And air mask was put on me and fresh air filled my lungs. I passed out and only saw black.

I woke up in a hospital bed. Mrs. Maximoff was next to me with Mr. Vision.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"Fine." I said.

"You were lucky. We were just coming up to get you. The papers were signed and you're our kid now." Mr. Vision said.

"It was a mutant. With fire powers." I said.

"Yeah. They were caught. Did you use your powers?" Mrs. Maximoff asked.

"Yeah. The same shield thing. But it was weird, it flickered out. I feel like I shouldn't have these powers."

"You deserve these powers. You can be pretty strong and I know you will use them well. It's in your genes." Mrs. Maximoff said.

"But I don't want them. It's too much power. I'm just a teen." I said.

"I understand. When I got my powers, everything was out of wack. You'll learn to love them. They are apart of you." Mrs. Maximoff said.

"I guess." I said. We talked for a bit and soon I was released. I was given meds to help with the smoke inhalation. I went to my new home. It was huge.

"Whose this?" Tony Stark asked.

"This is our daughter, Y/N." Mr. Vision said.

"Nice to meet you Y/N." He said.

"You too Mr. Stark." I said.

"How about we watch a movie and eat some popcorn before we unpack?" Mrs. Maximoff suggested.

"Yay!" I said and jumped up but I didn't come down, "Mooooom! Daaaad! Help!" I said. My limbs were flailing through the air.

"I you fall I got you." Mrs. Maximoff said.

"I'll join you." Mr. Vision said and floated up to me. Mr. Stark just shrugged. I floated towards Mr. Vision and he helped me to the ground.

"Forcefield and flying." I said.

"We have one cool daughter." Mom said

"Yeah. And you called us Mom and Dad!" Dad said happily.

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