WinterWidow's Daughter

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We were heading back from a battle. It was supposed to be the easy "take down another Hydra base" but it wasn't. Loki and Magneto were there.

Dads arm got bent backward and a wire was cut causing the arm to be useless, Mom had a few deep cuts and there was some metal shrapnel, Uncle Cap got a concussion, and I had an obviously broken ankle and probably a concussion from when Dad had to knock me out. Loki and his stupid magic stick.

"We're here." Dad said. Mom helped me up and supported me like a crutch. We walked off and I saw some of the others in the living room.

"What happened?" Stark asked. 

"Loki and Magneto happened." Uncle Cap said.

"I'll call doctor Cho." Bruce said. I was helped into a wheelchair.

"I think your ankle is broken." Stark said.

"You think." I said sarcastically. My ankle was not bending in the right direction at all. I was given an anesthetic and I went to sleep.

I woke up and my ankle was in a cast. The lights were dimmed and Bruce came in.

"Hey Doc, what's the deal?"

"No phasing for eight weeks. You can do your scary invisible thing but no phasing. Your concussion is as healed as it can be thanks the the cradle. You will be kinda sensitive to light and sound for a few hours."

"Thanks. Can I leave?"

"Yeah, just use these crutches to get around. Your parents are in the kitchen eating lunch."

"Thanks again." I said before heading to the kitchen.

"I want my arm back! It was so much easier to eat a salad. Now I have to stab it. It's like fishing except not fun and even the you need two hands for fishing!" I heard Dad complaining.

"Tony will have it done by dinner." Mom said.

"Friday, dim the lights." I said.

"Hey honey how are you feeling?" Mom asked.

"Fine. Just tired. What about you guys?"

"Fine, I just needed a couple of stitches, that's all." Mom said.

"I feel like I've lost an arm... oh wait. Well if something costs and an arm and a leg I'm halfway there."

"Dad, you've told that joke since you were un-Winter Soldier-ed, just stop it please."

"I don't think I will. Beside I can't think of any other jokes, I'm stumped."

"Daaaaaaaad." I whined.

"What? I never like that arm, it was never right."

"I have a concussion so stop it before so scream and hurt myself." I threatened.

"Fine!" Dad said and stopped. I waited a bit to see if there was a joke coming but there wasn't.

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