A Whole New World!

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Sorry this is a little late and short, just getting back into the grove of writing :)

Bucky mainly stayed in the tower after he came back from Wakanda. Steve and his friends taught him how to use a phone and computer... he was still learning how to use the T.V.

"There's too many buttons!" Bucky said exasperatedly. The Avengers forced him to use the T.V. whenever he wanted to watch something and he was currently stuck on the PBS kids channel. 

"C'mon Buck. Let's go out. We can go to all the places we went to in the 40's!" Steve said.

"Are there any places left from the 40's?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah, the cyclone."

"I'll go if you don't throw up again."

"If I don't throw up while crashing a plane then I won't throw up on a roller coaster." Steve said.

"Alright punk." Bucky said with a little smile. He went to change out of his sweats and into people clothes. They two friends left the tower and went to Coney Island.

"I can't believe that it's still here." Bucky said.

"Yeah, even survived an alien invasion." Steve replied. They went on the ride and as soon as they stepped off Bucky poked fun at Steve.

"Well punk, at least you didn't throw up this time."

"It was one time!" 

"Yeah and then we had to pay for the cleaning of that dames dress." 

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"C'mon, let's go get some ice cream, my treat!" Bucky said. Steve smiled when he saw his friends acting like his old self. They went to an ice cream vendor and Bucky pulled out a few cents from his pocket.

"That will be 5.99 please." The dude said.


"I'll pay." Steve said and they took their ice creams and left.

"It's outrageous! That was way over priced! It's just plain bullshit!" Bucky yelled.

"Jerk, prices went up over the years. Just they way things are." Steve explained.

"Well then I'm broke!" 

"Actually, the money you've kept in the bank has been building interest over the years. You might be richer than you think you are." Steve said.

"Whatever, these days suck."

"At least there's no polio and people have learned not to boil things."

"I guess, there's got to still be a place that we can dance." Bucky complained.

"Yeah, their called clubs now, I've never been." Steve said.

"Still waiting for the right partner?" Bucky asked.

"Yup, still waiting." The pair walked to the nearest club that was shown on Steve's phone. They slowed down as they saw the neon lights and heard the loud music.

"Yeah. I'm not going there." Bucky said.

"I'll find a 40's place. Hey siri, find 40's dance place." Steve shouted at his phone.

"Searching for fort ties prance mace."

"No,  40's dance place!"

"Searching for Morty's lance place."

"Place for dancing, 40's."

"Case for dancing, plot of Footloose."

"Frick you!" Steve shouted. He just used the regular search engine and soon the pair was on their way to a 40's bar and ballroom. No one was there, just the guy at the bar.

"Welp. We are officially old." Bucky said.

"Hey, I'm a year younger, we don't know where the cut off is." Steve said. 

"You're a hundred years old, I pretty sure that's old." Bucky said and smiled. The pair walked back to the tower. 

"Say, maybe we should start focusing more on the future." Steve said.

"Eh, technology is weird and you can't change my mind but, you're right. I'm only saying that once." Bucky said. The two friends walked back to the tower making jokes along the way. 

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