Stark Wedding

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Peter's POV

"Come on May we're going to be late!" I called out.

"Hang on! I just need to grab my purse!" May called. She grabbed her purse and we left in the StarkCar that Mr. Stark gave us when he found out we didn't have a car.

"I can't believe Mr. Stark is getting married and invited!" I said excitedly.

"He sees you as a son. There is no doubt why he would invite you. I'm surprised about myself."

"Oh come on! You and Ms. Potts, er, Mrs. Potts or wait no. It would be Ms. Potts because she's not married yet. But maybe the documents. I don't!" I rambled.

"Yeah I guess you could say Pepper and I are friends." May said. We pulled up to the beach where the wedding is being held. We sat in the third row that was reserved for Avengers, half Avengers, and surviving family. I was the half Avengers. Shuri was also one.

The seats next to us were empty. I saw Shuri and she and T'Challa sat down there.

"What are those!" I quietly screamed.

"Peter found Shuri." Nat said to Bruce.

"Ya. They are the only ones who say vines." Bruce said.

"How did you take down Captain America?" Shuri asked.

"Ve shot in ze legs becauz hiz sheild is ze size of a dinner plate." I said.

"Hey!" Cap said while Shuri and I laughed.

"Hello Miss Parker." T'Challa said.

"Hello, uh, your majesty?"

"Just call me T'Challa. Besides, today Tony is king. I would not be surprised if he came out wearing a crown." He said. May laughed. Shuri and I chatted until the orchestra started to play. Mr. Stark came out we walked up to the person that would marry them. The bridesmaids (Nat, Carol, Wanda, and Okoye) and then Mrs. Potts came out in her beautiful dress everyone awwwwed. There was all the legal stuff and the vows were cute.

"You may now" the dude said and Mrs. Potts grabbed Mr. Starks face and kissed him.

"Just, uh, keep doing what your doing." Soon we went to a tent that was set up near by and we sat down at our tables. Soon it was sunset and the DJ started to play music. We ate and danced. I pulled out my phone.

"Yo Flash! This is to show you I don't lie."

"Heya Flash! It's me, Princess Shuri of Wakanda and this is my bestie, Peter!" Shuri said.

"Oh! Is this the proving Trash wrong video you were telling me about?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Yeah!" Shuri said.

"Hey Trash, or Crash."

"It's Flash." I said.

"Oh, eh, he's Trash anyways. Hey Trash I'm Peters boss and he my personal assistant. Speaking of which Pepper, May, and I are making you do karaoke with Shuri." He said.

"Okay." I said and I closed my camera. We got up on stage and sang Iron Man by Led Zepplin. When we were done Mr. Stark grabbed the mic and said a few words to Mrs. Potts.

"Hey Pep. You are the light of my life, even more than what's keeping my heart alive. You gave me the courage to become sober and now I have been for a little over a year. I love you so much and now we get to be together forever." Mr. Stark said.

"Love you Tones!" Mrs. Potts shouted.

"They're so cute." May whisperer in my ear. Suddenly we hear the sound of blasters outside. Mr. Stark smirked and we walked outside. The words "I LOVE YOU MRS. PEPPER POTTS STARK" in mini flying ark reactors.

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