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My day was going great until there was an earthquake and our building fell to the ground and I was trapped under the rubble.

"Hey Siri! Help!" I shouted at my phone.

"Calling Avengers hotline." I guess that will do.

"Hello this is the Avengers hotline. How may I help you?" The receptionist said

"The earthquake destroyed my building I'm stuck under the rubble and my phone battery is running low. Please send help. I would guess there is about 15 feet of rubble above me. I can't move! Please help!" I shouted.

"We are sending help right away Miss..." the receptionist trailed off.

"Harper Estrella." I said.

"Alright Miss Estrella, please hang in there. We have an Avenger on the way." The receptionist said and then my phone died. I started to hyperventilate. I was alone and hurting. I don't even know if my aunt and uncle are alive... my only family. I heard the rubble start to move.

"Help! Help! I'm down here! I can't move!" I shouted.

"Don't worry. I'm coming to help." A voice said. Suddenly the sun broke through as a piece of rubble was lifted off of me. More pieces were pulled off me. When the person picked me up they grabbed my injured leg by accident.

"Ow!" I yelped.

"Sorry Miss. Wow your leg is not supposed to bend that way!" The Avenger said. I looked up and saw it was Iron Man.

"Did you see a woman wearing jeans and a pink shirt with light brown hair and a man in a suit with dark brown next to each other when you were digging?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. No pulse was found besides yours on the screen. Were they important to you?" Iron Man asked and I nodded. If I had any more tears left to cry I would cry a river, "I'm sorry." He said and we flew off to where ever he was taking me. I think I passed out along the way.

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed with a cast on my left leg, a cast on right ankle, and wrappings around my ribs. A person walked in.

"Oh hey! You're awake!" The person said. They were wearing Spider Mans suit but without the mask.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Peter Parker. Also know as Spider Man. But please don't tell anyone I have enough trouble at school!" He said.

"Don't worry. I know how you feel. Bully?" I asked.

"Yeah. You?"

"Same." I said flatly.

"Mr. Stark told me about your aunt and uncle. Were they your only family?" He asked.

"Yeah. My parents died in a plane crash." I explained.

"My parents are also gone. I live with my aunt. My uncle was shot right in front of me." He said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Avengers Tower. You should have been killed by the building and Mr. Stark was suspicious that you had powers. He will come around later. I'm going to get the doctor." Peter said and left and then doctor came in.

"Hello Miss Estrella it seems that you have a broken leg and a broken ankle and four broken ribs. You will need a wheelchair for about eight weeks. " The doctor said and then left. Another man came in. What is with all these people coming in and out of my room.

"Hello. Do you know who I am?" He asked.

"No." I said and I was getting bad vibes from this man.

"My name is Obadiah and Tony Stark stole from me. He seems to care about you and I need some payback. You will help me." He said and pushed down on my already broken ribs. I let out an ear piercing scream. The door bust open and Iron Man came in.

"Get away from her!" He shouted and blasted Obadiah. By this point I was in tears from the pain shooting through my body. The police came in and detained Obadiah.

"Hey kid. How badly did he hurt you?" Iron Man said in a gentle voice.

"He just pushed down on my broken ribs. The pain is subsiding." I said and Iron Man nodded.

"I'm gonna get out of my suit and then we need to talk." He said and left. After a few minutes Tony Stark came back in.

"Why do you need to talk to me?" I asked.

"We ran some tests and I was right and you do have powers. You control electricity so you will be able to train with Thor and I." Mr. Stark said.

"What the- " I was about to say.

"Language!" Someone in the vents above me said and then hopped down.

"Ha! Clint you're become Cap!" Mr. Stark laughed.

"I was going to said heck." I spoke up.

"Sorry." Clint said.

"Anyways. You will be living with us and technically since you're a minor, we are all adopting you. Do your full name would be Harper Estrella Barton Rodgers Odinson Banner Romanoff Rhodes Barnes Hogan Maximoff Potts Stark. But we'll just call you Harper Stark for short." Mr. Stark said.

"Welcome to the Avengers kid." Clint said.

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