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Damon King

I find it weird how Starr could read me like a book without even knowing me.

As much as I hate it, she was right in a way. She had this way of saying things to make people think, even if she wasn't sure of herself fully. I wanted to know more... to learn more. But my ego took the part.

"You were close... you need more practice though," I said as her expression soon became troubled due to my words.

I'm fucking stupid.

Deep down I am sad, evil, and powerful. Three things I didn't want to be but FUCK! This life was designed for me. I just have to suck it up and deal with it.

Deal with it like my dad has raised me to do so.

"Why did your parents name you Starr?" I ask bluntly in query trying to change the direction of the conversation.

Her positive vibe instantly left.

"Umm. I don't really know," She was now looking at her hands.

And just when I thought I was getting better with vulnerability. I fucking ruin it by bringing up her past. What a fucking dumb asshole.

"You would think it would be some extreme reason like a significant meaning behind it...but I don't even think they even know why." She had a hurt expression as she talked.

I frown at the pain that she let be seen in those moments. The pain that she tried so hard to hide in those long days before I brought this idea up.

She continued, "You know how stars are the center of the sky? They are most seen, they are bright, and they are noticed," She paused as her eyes started to tear up. I touched her leg as comfort to her hurting.

"Why am I named Starr if that description doesn't even fit me or this fucked up situation I'm in," I saw the anger arose in her words as she looked at her hands.

She sat there for seconds.

Then the pain that she let be seen was gone. Gone as if it wasn't there to begin with.

As if it didn't exist.

She turned her emotions of quicker than any foreigner to this life. And honestly it bothered me. How could someone so pure and angelic have the power to cut out all the hurt and pain? It shouldn't be so easy for someone so innocent.

Why is it perfected by her?

Starr Marie

After the slip up break down I had, it was my turn to shift the spot light.

Of course on Mr.King.

"So. Where are your parents," Damon's jaw clenched, his veins became visible, on the verge of letting loose. Kinda hot. Not gonna lie — but the question I asked has been on mind for a while now. He runs an empire, yet his parents aren't visible.

Everyone depends on him — their faith, hope, trust, is put all into their leader, boss, Damon. None of his family is there for him, as if he was thrown into the lions den expected to find a way out.

I glance at his angry expression. His jaw clenched and his hands were engulfed into his palms 

"My moms dead and as far as my father, he's dead to me also." Damon said this with complete rage and hatred. I did see the part of him that meant sadness, it was shown in his beautiful hazel eyes.

Though I had to fuck it up with my stupid question.

"Wait so your dad isn't d-." I was cut off instantly.

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