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Starr Marie King

"Starr baby, I need you to try to stabilize your breathing," Damon says as I gasp for air, tightening my hold on his forearm.

"He— he's going to kill him," My voice strains as I try to pull myself up, holding my hip, at which the bullet collided with.

Damon pushes my hair back with a knowing look on his face, as I fall back to the surface beneath me. "Amore," My eyes light up to his choice of words. "He already has."


My eyes widen at the sentence that occurred in the air.  "H-How?" I question Damon, ignoring the men who's yelling orders all around the area.

Damon looks over his shoulder, as the men who were originally working, caught a feeling of his nonverbal calling. "Clean this shit up, and get the other body."

"What?" My hand tugs Damon's arm. "What other body?" Damon keeps his eyes too the side of him, avoiding my question.

"I need this done as soon as possible," He demands, opening the first aid kit I've just noticed. He takes out a few alcohol pad wipes, gauze, tape, and a few other things.

My eyes shift down to his steady hand as he lifted my shirt up, trying to catch a glimpse of my wound. Blood slithered down my body causing my tolerance to become tested by the unbearable thought.

His hand trails down to my belt buckle, which put great pressure on the pain that was irritating me. Those hazel eyes grab mine. I could see that he wanted to be respectful, instead of snatching my clothes off before all of his men.

I glance around the hall, seeing that there was very little men present, besides the men who viewed the mystery body. But still, getting pampered in the middle of the floor, bothered me.

As if he understood my thoughts of needing privacy, he clears his throat. "I expect this done before morning," Damon says before sliding one arm under my legs, and the other behind my back.

He slowly comes to a stance holding me close to his chest, eyeing my breathing as I laid my head against his shoulder.

His legs followed one after the other as he leads me towards the door we entered through the first time. Worry regenerated upon his face as he tried to hide his emotion from me.

Emotions that I  expected to see more of after we severely passed the level of trust by legally committing to each other.

It always lead back to one thing... Damon cared. But he couldn't show that level of vulnerability to those who follow him.

He wanted me to feel safe and secure with him. He wanted nothing more but for me to lay safely in his arms knowing that tomorrow I would live another day.

And I loved that about him.

His need to protect me. To put me before himself. To be the strong man he was before me. Before I walked into his life bringing out that side of him that people now challenge because it's abnormal in their eyes.

And as true as they believe that to be, at this very moment, it was just Damon and I who were standing apart from the others.

I slowly bring my hand up to his cheek, holding his cheek upon my palm. "I visioned our honeymoon," The last word falls from my lips slowly, as I hide the pain in my voice. Damon eyes were still stuck on his mission, as he blinks away my statement.

"We were in a suite," I continue, reminiscing the good parts, while he carry me towards the car. "It was beautiful. Rose pedals stretched across the room. A ceiling that never stopped. An ocean that the stars bounced off in curiosity of finding another place of darkness to shine upon."

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