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Damon king

I heard laughter as I began walking towards the kitchen door. I figured that Leah would stay with Starr to keep her company. Especially because Starr had been through so much in just months.
From that, I knew a break would be her best choice.

Just as I was about to enter the kitchen, Chris calls my fücking name. I turn to him walking towards me in a fast pace.

"What's wrong?" I question him in a annoyed tone. I had enough for today.... what the fuck else is possibly happening.

I could see frustration cross his face, though he tried to hide it. "Alexei and Angelina are not in their room."

"What?" I ask in frustration trying not to let Starr and Leah hear me. "Where the hell did they go?"

He puts his hands out in front of me to calm me down. "They're with Starr."

Before I could speak, the kitchen door swings open. I turn to see Leah standing there with a confused expression. I didn't know why she was confused... I should be the one fucking confused.

"Is Angelina and the kid with you girls?" I ask sternly, wanting nothing but the truth. Not feeling like doing anything other than checking on my fiancé.

She shrinks under my gaze. "Yeah."

I turn and look over my shoulder to Chris. "Bring me the worthless ass guards that let them in."

"Ohhh," Leah exaggerates bringing my attention back to her. "You should probably get new ones. She threatened them in a wheelchair and threw it at them when they refused to open the door," Leah begins laughing. "I'm pretty sure one is infertile."

"She threw the chair?" Chris asks with a laugh.

Leah laughs. "Yeah, only because they called her 'bosses little slut' as if she wasn't bad ass before she met him. No offense," She gestures my way. "She literally hinted her experience in fighting and that he'll end up in a casket if they don't respect her. Im totally convinced that she meant to be your wife all along."

I let a small smile creep upon my lips. "Hmm. I'd agree to that statement, soley because she's the only woman I got on one knee for."

I glance over my shoulder to Chris still standing there in amusement. "Guards. Right," He reminds himself as if he forgot. Before walking away in a fast pace.

"New guards," She jokes pushing my shoulder. "If she scares them.. I think you need to rethink your whole mafia."

I roll my eyes in frustration. "Looks like I need new recruits... and friends." I walk past Leah not saying a word. Cracking the door in front of me, I peek to see Starr playing with the kid and Angelina standing on the other side of the table smiling.

The kid laughs as Starr tickled his stomach. He crouched down laughing on the floor, while Angelina laughed along in unison. Starr on the other hand looked at him as if she was in full admiration.

"Mommy can we live here?" He asks as his hands touched the arm of wheel chair Starr sat in, while he jumped excitedly.

Angelina's smile dropped as she caught eye contact with Starr. Starr looked at the floor as if she didn't want to have to explain to the kid.

"No, honey," Angelina begins to walk to the other side of the table where Starr and the kid sat. She sat down in the closet chair diagonal from them. "Ms.Marie was nice enough to get us a chance to be safe, to find a safer place for us."

"B— but," He begins to cry. "I wa-wanna li—live here w—with Ms.Marie." Starr instantly pulls him into her lap. She slightly winces but throws away the pain I once thought she had and replaced it with a reassuring tone.

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