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Starr Marie

"Damon," I yell as two guards carry Grayson into our home, as I limp with Leah under my arm. "We need Charlie," I yell to one of the random guards who stood in the corner like a dumb ass.

They gently lay Grayson on the couch as I fastly kneel beside him.

The sound of Damon becomes dominant of any sound or thought I had before. "Starr. Where were you? What the fuck happened?" He says in worry.

I look at his worried expression but soon tone it down. "It doesn't matter," I turn my vision back to Grayson. My hand runs across his temple, "We need Charlie here now."

"Okay," Damon reply's and a few of his men leave the room, he walks towards me, touching my shoulder. "You should sit somewhere more comfortable."

I look over towards the door and watch Leah disappear.

"No," I reply not letting my eyes leave Grayson as he laid peacefully, though he was in pain. "I need him to see me when he wakes up."

Damon runs his hand down my back leading to him grabbing my arm gently pulling me up. I wince in pain of my thigh. "This is why I think you should rest," He points at my leg.

I totally forgot about my leg. I was so focused on getting Grayson to safety. Making sure he didn't follow the path of his wife and her... baby.

It was sad.

How he believes that that's the only way for him. As if there weren't other people who would be affected by his actions.

I felt my heart welt.

Damon picks me up into his arms, bridal style, and walks me over to the other couch beside Grayson. I frown at Grayson beside me. So much was happening so fast and I didn't know how to deal with it all.

Damon walks over to Grayson and checks his pulse. "Still breathing," He says trying to make me feel better. I roll my eyes because all I could do was sit and watch everyone around me try to heal. I myself was trying to heal.

I bury my face into my hands. "Ughhh... to much is happening." I let all my problems close behind my lips as a tear rolls down my cheek. The want of comforting Grayson become a huge tug in my brain. I drop my hands from my face and glance over at him once more.

Damon walks over to me and sits beside me. "I told you before... you can't save everyone. That is a power no one could hold. But you wanting to is a gift many mafia leaders lack."

His hand rest on my cheek. "His wife is dead."

Damon eyes sadden because he knew exactly who I was taking about. "You made sure she got to the hospital. You did your best."

"She was pregnant."

Damon King

"She was pregnant?" I say in more disbelief than sadness.

Tears run down Starr's caramel cheeks. "She was pregnant." I pull Starr into a hug. Letting her cry in my chest. Laying a sweet kiss on her forehead to show comfort.

"I— I— don't want that to happen to m- my— child," She brings herself to look at me. "I know you want to have children but look at what's going on around us," She brings her arms out, throwing them in the air. 

I realize that I've been pushing her on the thought of having children, mainly for the point that I want to have a big one. So bit one person would be alone when I'm gone. I knew she was always worried about timing, but now I feel like there's more to her story than just the time frame.

Stupidly runs through my for pushing on something's that could be—is affecting her. Just like her past, and the history with parents we both lack— pushing another action should be limited on my end:

I put both of my hands on either sides of her cheeks. "I apologize," I say looking her in her beautiful, sad eyes. "You have been through a lot and I'm a fucking idiot for not showing that I was aware of that. Sometimes I forget that you have a kind heart. I was unlucky to have one of those."

She sniffles as I point at her heart.

"You have every right to feel this way. And you have every right to do, speak, and think what you are thinking. Don't change or do anything for anyone, including me." I take a deep breath, because I need to do the changing amongst us. "And...I agree with you."

"What?" She says with confusion as I watch a tear touch the corner of her lips.

I bring her curly hair behind her ears. "It's not the right time. And as much as I hate to bring more upon you... we have another problem on our hands."

I felt like it was important for me to speak up. I knew how much she hated when she was left out of the blue. Only to learn things when they went south, it made her upset.

She wipes her tears. "What is it?"

"We have to look into someone else as well," I say looking over my shoulder as I hear foot steps. "We'll talk about it later. We need to make sure we fix this problem before we worry about our other ones."

I could tell she was annoyed that I didn't tell her so I just kissed her on her lips. Without dropping eye contact, I began talking to Leah. "Leah! Grab you both something to eat from the kitchen."

"Okay," She replies leaving us both in the room.

Starr frowns. "When will all of this be over?"

"In our line of work... it's rare." I kiss her once more and come to a stance. "Take him to the med room. And where the fuck is Charlie?"

"He's on his way sir," One guard calls out as they lift up Grayson.

I grasp with irritation as we began walking down the hall. "Tell him to get his ass here now. We have work to do!" I demand. I look over my shoulder to see mi amore extremely teary eyed. "I'll be back. Until then... you rest. I mean it," I say sternly knowing she would want to fix everyone problems.

She rolls her eyes. "Okay."

"Starr, I love you," I reply.

"I love you too," She say softly as a tear falls down her cheek.

"I love you too," She say softly as a tear falls down her cheek

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Damn they are going though so much... I'm stressed out from just reading.

lol. Don't be displeased now! You've gotten to far!!!!

A/ Thank you for reading chapter 82. See you in the next chapter<3


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