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Starr Marie

"Did Damon say the three most important words in a relationship?" Leah asks me, well actually demands an answer from me.

I've been stalling the last few minutes because I honestly didn't know what to say. I'm still partly taken aback from it too.

Pushing my hair behind my ear, "Yes."

She lets out a laugh, "Why am I just now finding this out. This is huge." She rambled.

"Woah, slow down," I reply gesturing her to calm down. "I don't have to tell you everything and I just found out."

"Well this is still huge. Especially because you love him too." I look at the floor, "Wait. Do you love him?" She asks concerned with the reaction I gave her.

I frown. Because for one, I wasn't sure if I was ready to say I love someone again. And two, if I say it, it'll make it more true. Leah will be there to justify that I do, and I, myself, wanted to be sure that I do love him too.

"No," I call out. "I don't know. Yes," I feel my feelings swirling through out this thought process. "Part of me think I do but we all know love has never been a friend of mine."

Leah rolls her eyes, "Why?" She asks as a rhetorical question. "Because of your last relationship with the enemy?"

I frown at the reference she used for him, "Don't say that, it makes this situation seems worse. I can barely handle this."

"Okay, okay," She reassured me. "But you can't ruin a good relationships over a failed one from years ago. That would just mess up the good things you have in your life right now."

Right now.

I look at her slightly annoyed expression, "Yeah, but none of this is easy. He just said he's loves me in a beautiful way and I couldn't even say it back." I explain. "I wanted to so badly, but I couldn't."

"So you do love him?" She asks.

I nod my head, "Yes. But I don't want it to be true so soon." I sigh. "If I love Damon, that'll mean that I would put him first before myself. Can I really do that with all that I've been through? Can I really put Damon before me when all I've learned to do was be treated like trash?"

"Starr," She jumps up from the bed and gives me a hug. I return it back for comfort from the girl who was slowly turning into my best friend.

Squinting my eyes as tight as I could, I bite my lips. "TheAm I truly ready?"

"You are what's holding you back," She began to tell me. "If you just let your heart open, you'd be so happy right now that everything else wouldn't matter. Sometimes you should just go for it even if it doesn't make everyone around you happy."

I turn my head in confusion. "You sound like your speaking from experience." She looks at the bed sheets then back at me. "So..." I say trying to get her to tell me her story.

She shakes her head, "That's a story for another time."

"Oh come on," I beg. "They already know what we're doing in this room."

"What are we doing?" Leah asks for a valid answer.

I plop my legs up on the bed, crossing them. "We're having girl talk. You know when girls talk about their problems," She doesn't answer. "So... what's up."

Leah stands and walks towards the wide double windows, "It's this guy. I mean was at least..." She pauses. "I really liked him. H-he was sweet, caring, and was always there when I needed him. The perfect person anyone could talk to," She stops. "But..."

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