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Starr Marie

"Wait what?" I slightly exaggerate although my tone of voice was astonishing. "You've haven't had sex in 4 months?"

Dimmy rolls his eyes, "I've been busy and there's more to a woman than sex," He uses as an closing argument. "Also... why am I even talking about this with a women? Especially you of all people."

"Really?" I put my surprising reaction aside. "So... who's the girl?" I see this glowing side of him that I've never seen before. Of course I haven't seen him in two years and he could have changed, but this was different. And I wanted to know.

He lets out a little laugh, "How do you know it's a girl?" He questions me.


"I mean— if you like guys, even better," I seriously say. I didn't know if he was joking or not but for someone I seen as my best friend, I was willing and absolutely down to support him.

He lets out an laugh, "I'm glad you feel that way, but I'm actually straight."

I roll my eyes letting out a little laugh, "Hey! Don't do that." I push his arm, "Some people would say what you just did is controversial."

He shakes his head, "I know. I was just trying to see if this is the same Starr from 2 years ago."

I smile at him wholeheartedly, "And did you get your answer?"

"Yes I did," He says looking at me with a small smile. "I've missed you." My heart warmed upon him. "I missed this. I missed all that we used to do for fun."

I pull him into a hug catching him off guard. "I missed you too."

A small smile crossed my lips. I began to think about how he's still the same person, my best friend, from two years ago.

"Is your favorite color still blue?" I finally ask.

He nods his head slowly. "Yeah, actually it is."

"Serenity. Reliable. Communicative. Caring. Believes relationships are important. Sympathetic. Wisdom. Inspirational," I slowly touch my chin. "Calm. Hates conflict. Good listener. Loyal. Hates confrontation," We share a laugh in unison.

He laughs bringing his hand through his beard. "Sounds a lot like me." He gives me a amused look. "Still glad to see you're into the color thing," He twirls his finger in a circle.

"Hope that shows you that I didn't change," I respond.

"It worked."

We talked and talked for hours until we realized it was almost 1 am. Because I was an guest, Dimmy insisted that I sleep in his bed and he'll sleep somewhere else. But my mood and the nightmares I've been having, I really just wanted someone next to me.

"Can you sleep with me," I say waiting for his answer. "I kind of don't feel comfortable sleeping alone in the house of my father," I say as he later starts walking toward the bed.

He nods his head then hops in the bed with me. Nothing sexual because after all I seen him as my best friend and a brother.

Within seconds, I was fast asleep next to the friend I trusted with my life.


I wake up to the sound of a phone. It scared me but it was also like an alarm clock. I look to my side only to see that Dimitri wasn't there anymore. I wondered if he stayed with me the whole night or if he left.

But throughout the thinking, I remember the sound of my phone ringing. I pick up my phone off the counter only to see 11 miss calls from Damon and 5 messages from him as well.

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