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Hello babies!!! I have a new book out called Affinity. Please check it out. Totally a different vibe. New characters, etc.

Check it out.

Thanks hotties.

Starr Marie

"You okay?" My hand gaze across the edge of the wall, as I stand by the door watching O stare out the window.

Not looking at me, he takes a detailed breath.

I could tell that he just wanted to be left alone, but knowing him, I couldn't put my self to do it. He was always the one who was structured and unique. And I longed to understand him for that reason.

I made my way into the room, scanning it.

There were various papers scattered upon the table. I glance for a little but I made up in my mind that I didn't want to intrude, so I sit in the chair across from him.

His eyes still focusing beyond the window.

I look at it as well.

Seeing as the trees clung onto each other in a semicircle shape. Little flowers— pink, some are purple--take up the spaces bedazzling it. It was beautiful, making me see why he was so drawn to it at this moment.

"Is this where you've been hiding?" I ask with curiosity in my voice, hoping to ease into just about any kind of conversation with him.

"What?" He says. In my peripherals, I saw him place his eyes on me.

Taking my eyes of the unique trees, I look at him.

He had a look of confusion. Certainly not because of my question but because of what was loaded upon his mind.

"You haven't been present in many meetings, nor have I seen you interacting with others."

"Meaning Leah," He says more as a statement than a question. 

"No," I shake my head. Because there's someone else he had yet to speak to as well. "The others."

He nods his head. "Yeah. I felt like I needed to take time to focus on my problems rather than everyone else's problems."

"Which is okay," I nod. "But I can't help but to be selfish and want that bond we once had...back."

He closes his eyes. Letting my words linger in the air.

I could see his wheels turning in his head. I could see his mouth parting as if he wanted to speak but he just closes them and opens his eyes.

I sigh. Because I don't know how to help him.

Truthfully, all I've known Orlando as a happy, transparent person. A man of his word who also loved to make others laugh.

A human being.

And as much as it hurts to see him like this, I know that it will take him some time to recharge.

"You know that I will always be here for you," I state. "When I first walked into these doors and you paraded Damon for finding someone like me, I knew there was more to you."

I stand up tucking my hands into my jacket pockets. Giving him one more looked before his eyes become drawn to the window before him.

"Is everyone here?" He asks.

I nod my head, even though his eyes weren't placed on me. "Yeah, everyone is here."

He nods his head, looking back at the window.

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