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As we approached him, I instantly noticed he was extremely tall along with what he was wearing. He had on a black suit that was fitted, making his toned abs look like they were fighting to get out. I could only imagine what he looked like shirtless.

His curly brown hair was placed perfectly as if it took him hours to perform. The texture look almost as if it was not real. DEAD ASSS! He was well put together, as if he was a business man.

Then I seen his eyes. They were a beautiful hazel color, almost reminded me of a forest when the sun is about to set. Behind those eyes I seen pain and a sinful anger. Something I was experiencing every single day of my life. Minus the sinful.

My father interrupted my thoughts saying, "Hello Damon."

I seen the anger rose on the guys face when he said, "That is King to you." What the fuck. Do all these rich people think they're Sofia the first?!

My father jumped in fear to the echoing yell they guy has enforced. I never seen him so scared. I was to busy being afraid of disobeying him that I failed to realize that he feared something or someone as well.

I couldn't help but wonder why though. What makes him so special beyond his beautiful looks? Why does he have the fearful effect over someone like my father?

Damon turned his vision to me looking me up and down. "This is my future wife to be?" He said with a slight smirk.  I felt his eyes burn deep holes into my skin. I couldn't escape his demanding eyes as he looked upon me.

My father looked at me then said, "Yes this is my daughter. Her name is Starr." He smiled pointing into my direction then grabbing onto my arm. I snatch my arm from his grip. He shortly returns an angry smile into my direction.

I could tell that my donor was ready for me to marry this guy. He was practically asking for the guys hand in marriage himself. He looked like a die hard teenage fan for Harry Styles.  I mean-Harry Styles is fine so I wouldn't mind either but wow. It hurt that he was so ready for something that could change my life.

Damon takes a step forward into my dad's direction. "Didn't your fucking mother tell you how to treat a fucking woman?" He yells as a couple of eyes around us look into our direction.

My dad shrinks in his gaze, "She not a lady, she a slut. In order to be a lady you have to act like one."

Damon quickly grabs my dads neck gripping him tightly as my dad gasp with shock. "Disrespect her again and I'll fucking kill you." Then seconds later he drops his arm from my dad neck and fixes his suit.

I stand there in complete silence as I watch Damon compose himself. His attention eventually turns back to me.

"Starr," The guy said with a smirk as if he was tasting my name. He had a deep husky voice that would make your neck hairs stand up. From the looks, he knew he was handsome. Who wouldn't think he was. He was beautifully built, had a jaw line that could cut for days, and a gorgeous face — not to mention the confidence he carried as if there was no insecurity present in him.

He grabbed my arm looking my father in the eye, "We'll talk about the benefits soon." Then he put his hand around my waist and started walking me towards the exit. If this was a different scenario, I would have liked the thought of him touching touching me. It was gentle yet It felt as if he knew what he was doing. I for one know that he has been in this position with many women before me.

I look back at my family with worried eyes only to see smiles planted on their faces.

Strike three, guess there was some kind of  benefit.

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