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Damon King

"Do you remember that one time when you told me that I was your dream?" Starr asks as she lays across my chest, with a deep frown lingering on her face.

I nod my head although she couldn't see it because her eyes were closed. "Mi amore," I caress her cheeks with my hand. Her eyes batter open in response, "I do."

"You do?" She questions me. "It was so long ago."

I laugh at her doubts in my memory.

"Mhmm," I agree. "I also remember you calling it...cringe."

An instant smile crosses her face. 

The one I so badly wanted to see.

"Did I?" She laughs the most genuine laugh in weeks. "If I recall correctly, we were just now seeing the true feelings that we had for one another."

"So at the time, you viewed that statement as cringe?" I smirk effortlessly.

"Something like that," She laughs closing her eyes once again. 

Placing my hand on her curls, I run my fingers through them. 

Each curl wrapping around my finger only to lose its grip.

Her phone begins to ring. I knew it wasn't mine because I decided to keep it on silent after the last few days we had. 

All the stress that Starr and I have withheld upon ourselves and we never noticed that the mafia hasn't had time to withhold it on their own.

"Hello father," She says pushing her loose curls of hair off of her face. 

I close my eyes.

Wondering what would be the next step with Grayson. How would we continue selling our products? What should I do about Chris? Would everything be okay when Starr and I leave for our Honeymoon, today?

"Yes dad. Were leaving today," A deep breath leaves from her mouth in annoyance. "Of... of course. I'll be sure to run that idea with my husband."

A warm feeling touches my heart. 

I could never get used to the word husband

"Mhm. Love you too. Bye."

She turns the ringer off and throws her phone on the dresser.

"Okay so Ivan's question of the day is... what?" She watches my smile enhance as I stare into her beautiful brown eyes. "What's that smile for?"

"I love how you say husband," A slight gasp for air leaves my mouth. "It's as if you'd always known that id be exactly that."

"Truthfully... I didn't," I couldn't help but love her honesty. "But once I fell for you, it felt easy on the brain. The vocabulary. The tongue." She leaves a kiss on my lips.

I stare her into her beautiful brown eyes again. 

As time went on, everything became so easy between us. 

I was once so hostile towards her. The idea of being close to her emotionally never crossed my mind. 

She was just the key to me gaining my throne by the books.

Now, she's more than I could ever ask for.

And I'm sure I'll never want to lose her. 


I pull her in for one more sweet kiss. 

"Now what were you saying?" 

"Oh yes. Right before you interrupted me," She jokes. "My father offered his supervision above the mafia while we're on our honeymoon."

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