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"What did you just say," I yell. There is no way any of that could be true. "Are you suggesting Antonio is my fucking step brother?" I try to hold back my tears, everything is so fucking messed up in this situation.

That's fucking incest! I would never do that voluntarily or at all.

Issac takes a deep breath looking into my glassy eyes. "Yes and you have something he wants, something your mother gave to you just before she died," he says as if I could have any clue as to what it could be.

"How the hell would I even know, he I was a newborn and I haven't even actually seen her... like ever."

"Well you have to figure it out, but first we have to get you out of here. We spent way too much time talking," He says as he cuts the tape surrounding my ankles, soon pulling me up to a standing position. I try to take a step but I felt my legs fall weak under me.

"Can you walk?" He ask in utter concern.

Truth be told,  I didn't  think I could without getting caught, but it doesn't hurt to try. "Yes, now let's get the hell out of here," I say as I limp holding onto Issac arm for support.

We quietly walk up the stairs. Issac cracks the door open, checking to see if the coast was clear. Our plan was to go out the side door because the front and back door was most noticeable — also simply overused.

Checking to see if the coast is clear, Issac noted that men were in the living room watching a soccer game while there was other men stationed elsewhere; 6 in the front and 8 in the back — because the backyard is a lot bigger than the front.

We tiptoed our way to the side door checking our surroundings for any guards or Antonio. Issac stands behind me incase anyone tries to catch us off guard from the back. We made our way until my finger tips touched the side door. As soon as I was about to open the door, an alarm sounds through the house. A red light glared along making anyone in sight of the house known to the alarm.

"Shit! They know your gone," Issac says as he cautiously look around the area.

"What the fuck do we do? They're really going to kill me if we don't leave right n—," I feel my voice slowly rise as I become nervous and slightly panicking.

"Shhh! Quiet down. They may hear us," he shushes me afraid we'll get caught from my lack of whispering. "Here. Take this," Issac hands me his phone, a note, and a gun.

"W- what are you doing. Your coming with me right?" I ask confused that he gave me his things. He looks to the ground and doesn't say a word,  making the alarm sound louder and louder as we stand in silence. "Your staying?" I ask knowing his answer.

"I have too or they'll know I helped you," he's still looking at the ground avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"But—," I'm cut of by his words again.

"But... I want you to know that I am extremely sorry. I did this for my family and now I'll repay you back by the risk of my life for you," he says as a fake smile spreads across his face. I did not want anyone's  life to be on my hands — especially someone who is trying to help me.

Despite him kidnapping me, I could never be to selfish.

"No. No! I'm not going if you don't come with me," he looks at me with no emotion. "You once said that you wanted to be my friend. If that's true, then you'll come with me," Persuasion is the only thing that could save both of us.

"That was one true thing I've told you," he says as I nod my head back making a stern face. "Okay, as soon as I open the door we run, Don't look back or we'll die. Clear?" He says waiting for a answer.

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