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Damon King

After Starr walked from out discussion, I found that it was my turn to talk. I let her show them who she was and now it was my turn to make sure they respected every aspect of it.

As she said, not containing respect is a fucking issue.

"If any of you have a fücking problem with her or any of this shit.... come to personally," I say calmly frustrated. "I will not condone any disrespect up in this mafia, my home, or in my fucking presence," I came to the realization that since Starr have been around, I lightened up, and maybe that's why they think it's okay to speak the way they do.

"I have lightened up and you guys have taken me for granted. If any of you think that it's impossible for me to go back to my old ways, then you're fucking plain stupid," I see people straighten up to the words that rolled off of my tongue.

I then catch eye contact of the guy I was talking about before Starr came back from the restroom. Alvaro Hensi. The dumb fuck that thought to steal my money.

My money.

I walk around the couch until I stood in front of him. I look him is his eyes to see if fear would wash over his face, but he stood there with a blank expression.

I taught him well.

"Alvaro Hensi. 24 years old. Mom committed suicide when he was 8. Dad is an addict who abused both he and his mother. Dropped out of school at the age of 18. He was homeless for 4 years until Chris found him. Every since his life has been farther than better. Am I right? Alvaro." I question him.

He nods his head yes.

"Then why the fück do you think it's okay to steal from me?" I take a step forward with my hands in my pockets and a question that was far scarier than the expression on my face.

He has yet to say anything but stand there.

"Perhaps opening your mouth, letting the vibrations of your vocal cords bounce would certainly help you speak clearer." Sarcasm sees through my words.

Alvaro does nothing but let his fear twinkle in his eyes.

I instantly pull my gun from my trousers putting it against his head. Smiling as his eyes widen in fear.

"B- boss I- I needed it for—," He tries to explain. Before he could finish, I pull the trigger, watching his body hit the floor.


Killing felt like the only thing I could do to reassure everyone in the room that I— their boss —is still the man I was weeks ago. If that meant killing someone who stole fucking money from me... they so be it. They will respect me and if they don't, death will be their path.

I shift my eyes from the dead body to the people who stands around me. "Clean this shit up," I walk through the crowd. Once I made it to the first step I turn around, "If anyone disrespect me or take me for granted, then your next. Not mercy on anyone."

Starr Marie

"Was that a gun shot?" I ask Damon afraid of his answer.

He waits a few seconds then finally answers, "Yes." I look at the expression on his face— angry but in deep thought.

"Are you the one who used the gun?" I asked a question I already knew the answer to. He nods his head in confirmation. "Why? What happened? Was anyone shot?"

"Someone took money from me so I made him and everyone in that room see what happens to people when they lie, steal, and disrespect me?" Frustration leaks from his words as his Italian accent becomes dominant.

"And you killed him?" He nods again. "What if he had a family? Or someone who needed the money for a good cause?" I panicked because there is a dead body on our hands.

"He doesn't have a family, his mother died a long time ago and his dad is basically dead," He says angrily. "I have lightened up on everyone for you. Because I didn't want you to see..."

I look at the anger leaving his face as his voice drifts off. "You don't want me to see what?" He looks at the ground without saying a word. "Damon, you could talk to me," I say softly as I pull him into a hug, as we stand in the middle of the room.

He sighs. "I'd like to think that however there's rules for me."

"What rules?" I question him. He doesn't answer. "We'll just tell me what you meant. The real what?"

"I didn't want you to see Il vero me," I was not fluent in Italian, but for some reason I knew exactly what he said. Meaning— the real me.

"I understand that, but you can't go and become this evil king who just kills people. I want to be able to still recognize you," I put my hands on his face making him look me in my eyes. I then drop them as the expression on his face didn't seem as welcoming. "I'd like to think I know the real you. Maybe I do—," He cuts me off.

"You don't know the real me. I've done some bad fucked up shit. I don't deserve you," He says softly as the last sentence became almost translucent. I could tell that he regretted it.

Part of me wished he regretted it too.

"I know the real you. And as much as you hate it, you put on this front to make yourself look strong and emotionless," I felt like these last few weeks, he have been nothing but helpful and caring. Two things that are not really familiar in what most people would call— criminals. "You deserve the world. Being born into this family took away your chances of a good life. But feeling sorry for yourself will not help you. You have gained positives from this experience."

He cocks his head, "Like what? War and death?"

"No." I say demandingly. "Family. Everyone in that room respects you and looks up to you. When you walk in a room all eyes are on you and they are thankful for the new life that you led them to. They may have to do a little dirty work but, if being happy in the end helps, then so be it!"

Every word that came out of my mouth was the truth. Family has became one of the most important things everyone in this house needs. Many of us lost family or like me, don't have a family.

But the family we made has became our biggest priority.

And your biggest priority is always first.

The last thing I remember is that we stripped our clothes and laid under the covers. It was nearly 3 am and we were tired, stressed, angry— many negative words described our feelings and emotions in one.

But one thing I didn't feel was alone.

Although many of the people Damon calls family didn't like me, I felt like people like Damon, Orlando, Chris, and Leah were truly there for me.

I felt like I was finding a place where I belong.

Hopefully I get the chance to stay here forever.


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Damon killed someone in cold blood. Do you agree with his actions?

A/ Thank you for reading chapter 34. See you in the next chapter <3


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