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Damon King

I pulled the ring box out of my pocket and fell to my knee.

I wanted to marry her, and here I am on one knee watching as her eyes lit up seeing me in the position we've never been before.

"Starr," I call her name as she stands there holding the other box in shock. "I knew I loved you when you walked out the door. And I know how fucked up that sounds, but that's when I realized that you were my light, my heart, my star," I pause.

I laugh at the next words I was about to say. "I should have known you were the one when you yelled at me not caring that I was the scary man everyone put me out to be."

I watch as her lips slightly twitch as if she was about to smile.

"You have this beautiful way of making people feel at home even in the bad situations. Your love is so deep and true, that I feel like I could trust you with my life, as my wife, and certainly as the mother of my children."

I continue. "I want more in this fucked up life. I want to life it with you by my side, as my queen. As my forever," I let a smile slip past my lips.

"So...," I open the ring box. Her eyes widened then looks back at me. "Will you marry me Starr Marie?"

I look at her waiting for an answer.


She stood there shocked as if she didn't know what to do. I felt myself becoming afraid that she would say no. Thoughts of what her dad said last night filled my head.

When he was shot, he gave me his blessing. Now, I think he took it back.

I take a deep breath then my eyes shift to the ring box.

Before I had the chance to process new thoughts, I heard the sound of Starr crying. I immediately jump up to take her in my embrace. Even if she was going to reject me this very morning, I would still find myself trying to love her and care for her.

"Yes," She cries in my arm.

"What?" I ask confusingly, wanting to hear her again.

She wipes her tears and looks me in the eyes. "I'll marry you, Damon. I'll marry you!"

Starr Marie

Damon slips the Round Cut, White Sapphire Sterling, Silver Double, Halo Ring on my left ring finger. I smile as I look at it, because it's wasn't so long ago when I came across this ring in the internet as a teen who dreamt of marriage.

It was extremely beautiful. It matched the earrings perfectly.

"Damon," I say pulling him into my arms kissing him as if it was my first time. "I don't know what to say, I smile at him. "I'm just so happy."

A smile appears on his face, then he brings me into a tight hug. "I love you, Mrs.King."

"I love you, Mr.King," I say as I hug him back smelling his sweet cologne.

In a way, I felt complete. That worried feeling of me being bad for him soon left my mind. I began focusing on what was happening right before me; our future.

"This is the best day of my life," I say out loud, though I was speaking to myself.

He laughs as he breaks the hug, tucking my curly hair behind my ear. "You'll have to just wait until the wedding."

"Wait," I say caught off guard. "We have to plan. Who's going to come? Where will it be? What day will it be? H—" I stop myself rambling as he stood there with a smile on his face. "What?" I question him.

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