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Starr Marie

The lady walks over to the table and stands in front of a seat that sits before me.

She puts her hand out for an hand shake, "Hi I'm Natalie, your fathers wife," I felt anger rise through my veins.

How could she introduce herself to me knowing I was the daughter he left to fucking suffer. She got the perfect family whereas I got a fake family who used me as their fucking suitcase money.

The child they adopted was worse than I could ever be.

I shake her hand but I can assure you my next words will not be as pleasant, "I know. You're the woman Ivan chose over his pregnant wife and unborn child."

Her mouth drops open to my statement while Dimmy gives me a look.

"No that's not—," She tries to say before I cut her off.

"Ivan could you pass me the syrup," He looks at me with an frustrated expression. "I rather eat my warm food than sit here and listen to a 'what could have' story from Natasia," I say sarcastically. I shall say, my feelings speaking for me felt good at that moment.

"Natalie," She announces. I act as if I missed her name hitting her with an fake confused expression. "My name it Natalie."

I smile at her effort. "Well Natalie, Natasia... could you tell your unfatherly ass husband to pass me the syrup or do you only do what daddy tells you to do?"

She opens her mouth to say something but Dimmy cuts her off, "She doesn't mean that...right?" He asks me trying to get me to confess something I definitely didn't agree to. I nod my head anyways, "It's just hard for her to see you guys together when she is going through a hard time."

The last sentence was true and I think they knew that, but it seems as if they didn't care about my feelings.

I watch as my dad pulls out Natalies chair helping her sit in it, later sitting in his seat at the end of the table.

Fidgeting with my food as we eat in silence. "So... isn't this nice?" No one answers, I continue. "We're all eating like a big happy family," I say sarcastically."On my 19th birthday! Funny how we finally met on my 19th birthday," I suck on my teeth. "It was like... you guys didn't have a car and a GPS for 19 whole years. What is this... the 1920s?"

"Starr," Dimmy calls my name trying to stop me from continuing.

I continue anyways, "But you know who we're missing?" My dad looks at me emotionless. "We are missing my mom and—," I was unexpectedly but expectedly cut off by my dad.

He slams his hand on the table. His plate tips over as some of his breakfast hits the cloth stationed upon it.

"Oops," I laugh. "You wasted your breakfast."

"Stop this," He yells as his voice booms over the table. "We are trying here," He says as I just look at him.

"Why?" I ask. "Why are you trying now? Why weren't you trying 18 or 19 years ago? Why didn't you try when you kicked mom out huh? Why?" I felt my eyes began to water.

Natalie speaks up, "I know I don't have any say—,"

"You're right. You don't," I cut her off.

"Yes, but even after all the mistakes he's made, he deeply cares about you," She says reaching across the table touching my hand.

"I don't think that's what he felt last night." I move my hand from her grip. "I would love to hear that out of my fathers mouth, but apparently he doesn't even care to try like he haven't cared my whole life." I then stand up and leave the room.

Storming towards the stairs leaving the family I could've had behind me. I never understood how fathers could do something like leaving their child.

I just didn't like that I was one example of this scenario.

"Miss Marie. Someone is here to see you," A guard says as I was walking up the stairs.

I turn away from the stairs looking at the guy, "Okay," I reply as he leads me to the door opening it.

Knowing who I was going to see, no excitement crossed my face.

There I see the face of Damon. I missed him but I didn't want him to really know that. I wanted to stop being treated like I don't know anything. I wanted him to stop trying to protect me from valid information. Most importantly, I wanted him to open up to me.

He was so closed off. I only knew basic stuff about him. I wanted to know the things about him that many people don't know.

I wanted to know him.

Before I had the chance to say anything I felt my fathers presence behind me. Intimidating yet safe."You must be the famous boyfriend," He says putting his hand out to shake Damon's.

I shake my head, "No, we were never that together to express labels," Correcting my dads attempt in labeling us.

"We might as well have," Damon says as both him and my dad let out a laugh shaking each other's hand.

Trying to win my dad over, bold fücking move.

My dad drops his hand from Damon's grip, "So, I heard a lot about what Antonio has been doing."

"A lot has happen since then, sir," Damon says fixing his suit.

My dad nods his head in agreement, "Well, follow me into my office so we can talk business." I roll my eyes at the statement and turn only to see Dimmy standing by the stairs.

Walking away from Damon and my dad was easy, they were two people I didn't really want to see at the moment. There was one I deeply cared about and the other is one I want to care about me so deeply.

But it seems as though I don't get want I want in life.

I sit on stairs next to Dimmy who stands, "How is the parent teacher conference," He asks jokingly.

I let out a little laugh, "Could be worse." I say honestly, "I would have really liked it if I weren't so mad at both of them." Dimmy nods his head in agreement. "I feel like every good thing or person in my life is always taken from me. No opportunities, friends, or family, just me and my cursed life," At a time like this, I was feeling extremely down on myself.

Dimmy grabs my hand as he stands next to me, "You still got me." I was smiling at him knowing that I had one friend that would stick with me even when I left him without a word.

Being in the good mood for those few seconds were cut of by the sound of Damon's voice.

"I'd love to meet the boyfriend."


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Starr is becoming very feisty? Does it look good on her?

Natalie was..? Dad was sick of her shit. Does he have the right?

Also, Damon paid a little visit... how do you feel so far?

A/ Thank you for reading chapter 42. See you in the next chapter <3



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