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"Looks like I got competition," Damon says. I roll my eyes and stand up.

Dimmy proceeds to talk before me, "Bro it's not even like that."

Damon let's out a small chuckle, "That's what they all say." I watch as Damon's hand slide around his back.

First thing that comes to mind is a gun, or a weapon of some sort.

Damon then looks at me as I open my mouth, "Dimitri could you excuse us?" He nods his head then walks toward the kitchen.

I didn't use his nickname because it'll make him look soft but also because Damon would have a bitch fit.

I grab Damon's wrist, "What the fuck is wrong with you," I yell in a slight whisper.

"What do you mean? You were practically hand fücking your boyfriend," He says back angrily.

Annoyance— my emotion at the moment.

"Damon how could you be the fucking leader of a mafia and this fucking dumb," I say annoyed.

He doesn't respond.

"And were you going to pull a fücking gun on him?" I question him. "Are we going to just kill everyone who looks my way?"

He rolls his eyes pushing his hands through his curls, "Don't try and turn this shit around on me."

"Why are you making this about a guy? You thought that I should leave. We said some hurtful shit to each other and now you're coming into my dads house acting as if nothing happened. Why?" I say waiting for an answer back.

He nods his head, "I understand."

I cock my head to the side, "You understand what?" The fact that he just bluntly said 'I understand' confused the fuck out of me.

"Look," He grabs my hand taking them into his. "I  was wrong and out of line. I didn't want to talk about the shit that fucked me up so I pushed you away. Which I know is truly wrong in many ways especially because you're the only good thing in my life right now. You trusted me and I ruined that trust.  I am sorry and I hope you could forgive me."

My heart smiled but my face stayed emotionless.

"It would be easier to forgive you if you would stop failing to tell me the truth. I'm not a little girl and with all the shit I've been through, you of all people should know that I could handle it," He nods his head while taking a step forward. "And don't ever infer that I am whore like my 'mother' or I'll literally cut your dick off and feed it to your brothers dog."

He gasp at my statement, "You're getting a little bold aren't you?" He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm being serious Damon," I say pushing his hand from my face. "It won't be pretty when you have to get a sex change because of your nonexistent dick."

He nods his head finishing closing the little space we have between us. I lift my head to make eye contact with the beautiful hazel eyes before me. Feeling his eyes lower, he asks me a question that I wanted to hear,"Can I kiss you?"

I look at his perfect lips. But I know I can't let him get that special treatment so early. "No you can't. Do I look like a side hooker to you?"

I try and walk around him.

Keyword— try.

But I am pulled back into his embrace. His lips connect to mine passionately. I could feel the hint that he missed me taunting the kiss. It was one of those kisses where we felt like we needed each other. 

The Mafia SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now