971 15 4

Damon King

"I love you," I whisper against her soft, sweet skin.

A delighted smile crosses her lips as she lays in my arms with her eyes still sealed. "I love you more," Her voice murmurs softly against my chest.

I smile, laying my head above hers, taking in her sweet flower, honey scent. My eyes seem to loose it's ability to stay open as they began to close, forcing the sun light to stay away from my glassy eyes.

Happily, I couldn't help but mirror Starr's actions; I laid comfortably with my eyes closed, soaking up the love I was gaining.

Her soft movements as her shoulders moved up and down. Her heart heart pounding against my chest, as if our heart were trying to touch each other . The little sounds she made when she liked how close we were.

These were reasons I wanted to be close with her. Reasons I loved laying up in bed with her because I had no worries what so eve—

A demanding knock echos from the door. She makes an annoyed sigh, throwing herself off the bed. Snatching her robe off the hanger hook by the door.

"Amore. I'll get it if you want me too," I throw my legs off the side of the bed coming to a stance as she puts her robe on in annoyance.

"No it's fine," She shakes her head with her back towards me as I make my way towards her. "I have responsibilities. You have responsibilities. Literally, we all have responsibilities."

"Certainly," I agree. "However, I could take this one."

"No," Irritation rise in her once calm voice. "No. If you handle this, I won't see you all day. How the hell am I supposed to go all day without seeing the man I love and who I just married a week ago?"

She slides her slippers on aggressively. Despite her built up irritation, another knock on the door cause her body to snatch the door open.

"Good morn—," She bluntly cuts of the person on the other side of the door whom I've yet to see.

"Question," She calls out. "Have you spoken to the underboss?"

"No. I just came to infor—,"

"Excuse me," She cuts him off again. "Underboss is singular. I mean underbosses, because we have four of those. Have you spoken with them all?"

"No ma'am. I—,"

"Well maybe you should for a change," She suggests. "Pass the message amongst others, explaining that if all underbosses believe the problem should be passed onto us, then it should. If not... handle it by their orders."

"Yes ma'am," His voice trembles.

"Great," She responds. "We'll carry on. I don't want to postpone the conversation you're going to have with the others."

Foot steps began to appear, as they inch away from the door. I place my hand on the door, closing it as she stands in the same place, with a different look on her face.

Lifting her head up with my thumb, I kiss her forehead. Because I knew what it was about without her saying the words.

She wraps her arms around me, burying her face into my chest. Taking a deep breath, she closes her eyes. "Why can't we enjoy each other without an interruption?"

I exhale slowly. "Because we have responsibilities," I repeat her words back to her.

She lifts her head up to look me in my eyes. "Why can't our responsibility ever be us? Like when will we be able to love without distractions?"

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