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Starr Marie

There I laid on the couch.

It's no surprise that I laid there worrying about my life. I tend to find myself doing that a lot even when shit is going well.

Honestly, things couldn't be better.

Issac is healing, Grayson is now leaving the house instead of staying in to drown on his sorrows. Leah and Chris are getting close... though I'm not sure she had told Orland the truth. My dad has been good to me— which I'm still trying to adapt to. And Damon has been a great fiancé.

The only thing that I wish was happening right now is that everyone would rest.

Just rest.

Since Damon announced to his members about the situation—Mongol's gang— we have so happenly came across, they have been hard at work.

Doing rounds. Extra training. Loading out more profits. Having more meetings. Calling Damon more often.

The break that we wanted so desperately was not present here.

Of course I had no right to be mad.

I told Damon that because they are new to us... we should be prepared.

This was and is our life we are playing with, and if we take even a small break, our life is over before we could blink.

And I for sure did not want to test that theory.

Swallowed in my thoughts, I hear the sound of foot steps leaving from a certain hall. Being bored and impeccably nosy— I lift my head to see who it was.


I watch Dimmy walk towards the door saying not even a word to me or the guards who stood around the room. I didn't know he was in the mansion until now— or the reason as to why he's here.

Pulling myself all the way up, I lay my head against the arm of the couch.

"Dimmy," I grumble his name trying to change my voice, making it deep.

He comes to a stop though he doesn't turn around. "Starr," He calls my name out almost too confident, as if he knew it was me.

I frown. "How did you know it was me?"

He turns to see my face. "Remember the first time you met your dad... what did I say?"

"That you know everything," I roll my eyes in tease to his words.

"What can I say?" He throws his hands up. "Besides, you used to do that voice all the time. It's not your best," He teases back.

Letting out a small laugh, I kick my leg out. "I remember those times. Back when me and you were inseparable," I smile. "Good times."

The thought of the good time make me feel queasy, because since I was informed about Antonio and my father... everything has went to shit.

"What's wrong?" He questions me making his way to the couch.

I shrug my shoulders. Before I speak, I gesture the guards to leave the room for privacy. I don't want all my business to be displayed amongst people I didn't really know on a deeper level.

Once they leave, I open my mouth to talk. "I feel like now that I have good shit, the bad shit is trying to drown me within the second."

He sits beside me. He takes a deep breath thinking of his reply. "Well..." He pauses. "Back then, we had no idea about any of this. We were just living."

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