982 18 3

Starr Marie


A loud sound boomed outside of the building causing a fright amongst all of us. I glance towards the door where I see Alexei running towards.

"A— Alexei," I yell. "No!"

In that instant, I began running my fastest from not only the guards but to the young boy who stood by the open door.

I bumped into people who screamed in fear. I push others out the way. I yelled Alexei name as he stood in the doorway staring out the door.


The sound roared louder than before causing me to slightly fall on my long dress.

"Alexei," I yell his name, afraid that the mongols would hurt him.

I push and push through so many people. Once I was close enough, I drop to my knees pulling him from the door way and into a huge hug.

"Alexei. Are you okay?" What are you doing?" I flood him with worrying questions.

He points at the sky. "I'm looking at the colors."

"Get inside now," I yell, because I don't hear gunshots, but I could hear men yelling, people running, and others screaming in fear.

"Look! It's about to happen again," He points towards the sky. I look up in fear. It could only be one or two things: a person, or a bomb. I gulp, taking the last breath which I didn't want to experience.

The thought of Damon flood my mind: My first REAL love, my soulmate, my husband, my partner, my other half.

It's been 2 hours and the future I hoped for us is already being snatched from my grip. If only I held on tighter. I would maybe have a future.

If only I never met Antonio.

But then... that would mean I would have never met Damon. I would never have met the people who helped me find my place. I would have never found my profound happiness.

I would be oblivious.

Granted with no intelligence but the shit they taught me at school. The shit I would soon forget about because the teachers failed to teach me the right things.

I would be lost. Sad thing is... I don't think I would have ever been found.

Taking the courage from all aspect of my body, I  glance up to see what he was pointing at.


What filled the air was unexpected.

I pull Alexei back as I choke on my words. The ability to speak was far, and the ability to fetch that voice was one things I was incapable of doing at that moment.

My blood began to boil.

My eyes widen at what I saw. Biting at my lip in anger was all I could find the courage to do at that moment.

There I look up to fucking fireworks.

It was blue and white which read:
G͜͡o͜͡t͜͡c͜͡h͜͡a͜͡A͜͡n͜͡t͜͡o͜͡n͜͡i͜͡o͜͡ a͜͡n͜͡d͜͡ V͜͡a͜͡d͜͡i͜͡m͜͡


"My mommy never let me get close to fireworks before," Alexei calls out. "It's so cool," He jumps up and down.

I glance down at him, taking my eyes from the firework particles. "I need you to go find your mommy and tell her about the fireworks, okay?" I tell him.

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