Bonus Chapter

21 1 0

Cameron's Pov

Takes place right after the party and Kylie over hears Cameron and Molly's fight

So last night didn't go exactly as I planned but all that matter now was going to talk to Kylie

I mean she promised to stay and talk and then she goes off and leaves but I kind of understands she needs time

"Hey I'm leaving you coming" Kayden asked walking down the stairs and grabbing his keys

I nod in response and we both went to head out but stopped short when Molly came barging in

"Cam we need to talk about last night" She said upset

I looked over at Kayden and he rolled his eyes "You deal with this I'm going to go" he said with a smirk leaving me with Molly

I turned back towards Molly and let out a breath "Actually I was about to leave" I told her motioning for the door but she headed towards the living room

She placed her bag on the table and put a hand on her hip "I don't like that fact you brought a stranger to your dad's party and worse let her talk to me like she did"

She's got to be joking right?

"First off she is not a stranger I just brought over and second I am allowed to bring anyone I please to any party I am attending" I put on my suit jacket and then padded my pockets for my keys

"You couldn't at least have the courage to tell me you were bringing her" she asked angry

"I don't need to tell you anything and besides my dad invited her I didn't even know if she was really coming or not"

Not that I wasn't absolutely happy to see her walk in. Especially in the dress I had made for her Kayden was right blue was her color

"I at least thought after what we did have-" she started but I cut her off

"Molly we had nothing I thought you knew that" I said giving up on the whole conversation itself "Besides from where I was standing last night Kylie did nothing wrong"

"Cammie you can't be serious" Molly yelled "You are letting this whatever walk all over you"

I stopped and looked at her "Oh and I suppose Kylie also lied about you taking her necklace" I asked calm

I told you already I didn't take it I found it on the stairs before I went outside" Molly explained lying again 

"Molly please just go" I said signaling for the conversation to be over

I was already late for work and on top of that I wanted to stop by the Diner to actually talk with Kylie "I know you think you like her-"

Molly" I warned cutting her off but she continued "But there is a bunch of stuff you don't know about her and trust me she is lying about a lot"

"Molly you don't know anything about Kylie and her situations" I said now angry

She had no room to speak I know for a matter of fact that Molly isn't as perfect as she wants everyone to believe

"Cam you need to stop seeing her I know you think you can trust her but she lies" Molly walked over to me and grabbed my hands "plus things wouldn't stay that permitted with you and her Cammie you are just not that type of guy and she doesn't really know you as well as I do"

"Nothing is going on between Kylie and I" I said looking at her "Molly I like you I always have" I said grabbing her hands

"That's not funny" she said pulling her hands away from me "and you know why"

"I thought that's what you wanted" I argued "Isn't that what you been wanting to hear"
Molly eyes got watery but she held it back

I took in a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair "Look Molly I know we hooked up in the past but that's what it is the past and I am sorry if that hurts you"

She grabbed her bag "That's not fair" she yelled "I was there for you through everything"

"I know and I appreciate that in a way you will not understand but you didn't have to stay I never asked" I said back

"You didn't have to Cameron that's the thing you never had too" she said tears filling her eyes

"Molly we both  agreed to be friends" I walked over to her "I have change a lot since last year and I am really glad you stuck by me but im not the same person you might be still holding on too and for that I am sorry"

"Your wrong Cameron you will always be the guy who use the girl and then tear them apart once they get close enough and one of these days Kylie will find that out for herself"  Molly stormed away heading for the door

"Molly I'm sorry" I tried but she was already walking out

"That sound like it went well" Kayden said walking back in the house

Man sometimes I wish I could go back in time a change the thing's I did I never wanted to hurt anybody

"Why are you back" I asked him

"Well" Kayden reached into his pocket and pulled out keys "Turns out that I took your keys instead of mine"

I grabbed them out of his hand and head for my car

I really need to talk to Kylie

*Authors Note*

I know it wasn't that long but I felt like we need Cameron's side as well. Also I want to add that this is not his full story so try not to judge him to much. 🖤

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