Chapter 30

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I looked over at Cameron who was siting on the couch taking in everything I had just told him

This is the first time I had told anyone that story not even Lilly knows what happened that night

Cameron looked at me "Kylie that was not your fault" he said softly

I rolled my eyes "of course it was if I didn't leave my purse and ask to go back we would have been home and far away from the drunk driver"

"They died from a drunk driver" he asked

I nod my head "When I woke up in the hospital I was told that a drunk teenager was the one who hit us and he 'luckily' stopped the car and fell asleep behind the wheel so no more damage was done"

Yes they actually said luckily like what he had done wasn't so bad as if watching my Uncle die in front of me wasn't bad enough I had learned my Aunt had died when I woke up in the hospital

All for a stupid ring out of everything, I looked down at the ring on my finger Melissa's new wedding ring that Brandon had trusted me to keep safe so he could give it to her for their anniversary

But now that will never happen cause of me

"Kylie I-" Cameron started but didn't finish

"I know your sorry this should have ever happened and it not my fault please just save it I have heard it a million times"

Cameron stood up and slowly walked over to me giving me a hug "I am sorry" he said once he let go

I walked back over to the couch "You know you are the first person I told this to"

Cameron sat next to me "Kylie it was not your fault you have to understand that"

"Cameron" I started to say but he held up his hand "It wasn't, yes you forgot your bag but that doesn't mean you cause some drunk stupid guy to get into a car and drive"

I don't know why but what he said made me feel a little relief like this heavy thing that has been sitting on my shoulder had went down a size

"When I was eleven my mom got sick" Cameron said out of the blue "She had lung cancer and about the time we found out it was already bad she went through a bunch of treatments but it just kept coming back"

Cameron took a deep breath in and then let it out "I didn't like the fact that we couldn't stop it and dad would take her to the best doctors out there but all mom wanted was to spend as much time as she could with dad and me"

"She died two days before my eleventh birthday" I grabbed Cameron's hand and he looked at me "I was with here for a few minutes but I couldn't be with her when she does I just couldn't"

Sometimes I wish I closed my eyes in the car seeing someone you love go is hard "I'm sorry Cameron I didn't know"

He gave me a smile and shook his head "do you ever read any gossip news sites" he asked and I shook my head

"So Claire is"

"My step mom she was one of the people who helped my dad through everything with my mom but they didn't start dating until four years after she passed and I was ok with that I just wanted my dad to be happy again"

I reached into one of uncle Brandon's boxes and pulled out his taco Tuesday shirt that had a small cartoon taco on it and threw it at Cameron who I just realized was still sitting shirtless

"am I distracting you" he asked with a smirk

"distracting me please" I said still looking at his torso little longer than I tended to

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