Chapter 27

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After we arrived to the house Tegan and Isaac went to the living room to play Mario cart because Tegan was going to prove to Isaac that she could beat him

I grabbed Sawyer and took her downstairs with me and placed her in the crib that was in the room near the bed

I pulled out all of the boxes that was in the closet and started to go through everything

I made three piles, stuff I could still save, stuff that was fine thanks to some miracle, and stuff that was long from saving and that need to be tossed

The hardest part was tossing the stuff away like for example my six page essay on why littering was bad that I wrote in third grade even though we were only suppose to write a paragraph

Man I loved that essay

After five minuets of shifting through most of my stuff Katie had knocked on the door "Can I come in"

"Katie if you are coming down here to yell at me then can we save it for another night I really not in the mood"

But she shook her head "No I didn't come to yell I wanted to talk"

Wait since when did Katie ever wanted to just talk to me and I must have been expressing the shook because than Katie walked in and took a seat next to me on the floor "Don't act so surprise we use to talk a lot when we were younger"

Yea before you got stuck up moms butt and kicked me out of everything that was going on until you needed me

"Yea that what's I wanted to talk about" Katie said answering my thought or did I just say that out loud

"Look I know we don't get along" she begun "and I think it my fault"

I turned to face her interested in what was happening "I have been thinking about what happened at the lake earlier today and I understand why you were mad"

Tegan came into the room and looked at Katie and I and started to back away when Katie stopped her "Wait I want you to stay for this"

Tegan looked over at me and I nod my head confirming that she better come in for this "Close the door please" Katie asked as Tegan stepped in

"Is this where you kill us" she joked taking the place next to me

Katie let out a soft laugh "No" she said shaking her head "This is where we all need to have a talk that is long over due"

I agree with her a little which never actually never happens it is about time we talk about what is going on with with everyone "Before we start" I whispered "can we try not to yell because I have a five and half month old sleeping inches away from us"

Katie nod her head and so did Tegan "Ok I want to start off by saying I had no idea mom was bringing Zach but I did know she was trying to get you two back together"

"I will also like to say that I am sorry for sticking up for mom with the fight earlier and that I didn't care to hear your side Tegan" she continued "But that's why I am talking with you guys I have notice my actions might not have been so clear in the past and I want to know what else I have done that might have made you guys upset"

Did I really want to have this conversation right now I mean growing up my whole life I have been in Katie shadow

My sweet sixteen was canceled because Katie had mono and I had the unfortunate mistake on which water bottle was mine

Mom and Dad missed my middle school graduation because they had just found out Katie was pregnant and that was more important at the time apparently

"I know that my actions aren't always good and I make mistakes" Tegan started "but it would have been nice for you to be there for me when mom's well mom it would have been nice to have back up at least"

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