Chapter 43

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"Kylie you have exactly four seconds to get up and put your shoes on" Lilly yelled

I looked at Sawyer who was sitting on my stomach and mocked Lilly while making faces which caused Sawyer to laugh

"Kylie" she whined stomping over to the couch

"Lil's calm down I just want to spend some extra time with this cutie before we leave" I kissed attacked Sawyer and she laughed a big belly laugh

"We will be gone for four hours it isn't like you are leaving her with mom never to see her again"

I rolled my eyes "Aunt Lilly is being grouchy again is it due to the fact Kayden hasn't called her for three days" I sat up and put Sawyers shoes on

"He is just busy and that is not the reason "she argued "I don't want to be late like we where to the dress fittings"

Lilly handed me my shoes and strapped Sawyer in her car seat "lets go" she pushed but I just stood in front of the door starring at Lilly "What" she asked

"Tegan" I yelled "lets go or Lilly is going to leave you here"

Her eyes widened "Shot I forgot there was another one" Tegan ran down and we all headed out together

First we dropped Tegan and Sawyer off at Jackie's and Hanks, Sawyer because Jackie agreed to watch her and Tegan because Hank had promised to take her to six flags today with Jackie and Sawyer as well

Then we were off to the first thing on the list for today which was the dance rehearsals and luckily for Lilly we weren't late

"So what's the point of dancing with heels on" I asked buckling mine

"So you can get use to them and not fall on the dance floor" Bri said laughing and walking back over to David

"That was one time" I whined which caused everyone to laugh

I stayed sitting on the floor and looking at everyone in the room Kat, Lola, and Nat was here all of which are Bri's bridesmaids and maid of honor then Liam, Aiden, Chase and Ryker are all David's groom men well all excepted for Liam he is Davids best man and his brother

"Ok we are still waiting on three people but we can go through the basic" Bri moved to the front of the room

"Wait so do we have a teacher" Lilly asked and Kat nod her head" I am the teacher" she said with a smile

Ok so I knew that Kat teaches dance to little kids in her spare time and I also knew that she took dance since middle school but for some reason I felt little scared for her to be teaching a dance we would be doing in front of everyone or maybe it was because I had to be dancing in heels in front of everyone

"Everyone grab your partner when I call out the pairs" Kat said clapping her hands

"Aiden and Lilly"

"Lola and Ryker"

"Chase and Natalie"

"Kylie and Liam"

Everyone started pairing with each other but I sat where I was watching as gorgeous Liam walked up to me wait did I just say gorgeous

"So I guess we are stuck together" he said holding out his hands to help me up

"Yea seems so" I reached out for his hands and he pulled me up with ease

We headed over to the circle where everyone was standing and I tried my hardest to focus on where I was going not wanting to trip

"Ok this is the only dance you need to know and it is not hard" Kat basically yelled "Guys place you left  hand on your partners back and girls place right hand on their shoulder's"

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