Chapter 22

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So if I was to be completely honest I was not looking forward to the next 37 hours

I don't know about you but being locked in a car with 3 people and a baby is not really fun

Tegan can be a real pain during car rides so lets just imagine what it will be like on a road trip

Also traveling with a baby for a long time will eventually get crazy because despite what Kayden thinks they will not stay asleep for the full 37 hours

And on top of all of this I really don't want to go back home, I don't want to put on a show for them, I don't want to answer all of my moms questions that I know she will have them , I don't really want to see Katie, and I just don't want to be there

I guess the upside to this whole thing is that I will not to be driving the whole time and I can switch when I have had to much because despite the fact I can sit behind the wheel and actually turn it on I still have a small anxiety driving for along time

"Kylie are you ok" Lilly asked taking me out of my thoughts

I looked at her and smiled "yea just thinking"

Lilly smiled and looked over to where Cameron was holding Sawyer as Kayden but the bags in the back of Cams Range rover "Thinking about Cameron meeting your family" she asked

I quickly looked at her "its not like he is really meeting my family"  I said thinking about it

Yea sure Kylie he will be eating dinner with your family, doing activity with your family, and even sleeping in your family house but no he is not really meeting them

"Oh my gosh" I said smacking her arm repeatedly "He is meeting my family"

I wasn't really thinking what it meant if he came with us

"Ow Kylie stop it" Lilly said grabbing my hands "What is the big deal I mean didn't you just meet his family"

"Yea but his family is not like mine" Lilly let go of my hands "Lilly you know my family they are well you know" I said not wanting to explain the dramatics my family is... that could take days

"You will be fine" She said giving me a hug

I looked over at Tegan getting in the car and Cameron was looking at me Sawyer still in his arms "its not me I'm worried about"


We have already been on the road for three hours and Tegan is already starting to annoy me

Look I love her but in the 180 minutes of us being in the car she's changed the song we were listening to fourteen times and then she insist on playing  Ispy

"Guys I have told you five times now it is green" she said getting grumpy

I rolled my eyes "and we have guessed everything that is green" I said hating this game by the minute

"Well obviously you haven't or we wouldn't still be stuck on me"

I looked over at Cameron who was driving and he laughed "Ok Tegan how about you give us another clue"

"I have already given you six" she said angrily "No more"

"Well them I give up" I said resting my head in my hand that was leaning on the car door

"It was the green triangle on that weird restaurant"

I looked back at her "What restaurant" I asked confused

The one we passed a little over 20 minutes ago"

"Tegan how were we suppose to guess that"

She shrugged her shoulders "i don't want to play this anymore"

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