Chapter 19

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Cameron was sitting at a coffee shop with a brunette. They were both laughing and seemed to be having a good time

"Ok" I said pushing the laptop away "That's not proof he has a girlfriend it could just be a meeting for his company"

"They are in casual clothes and seem to be sitting way too close for a work thing "Lilly said closing her laptop

"ok fine whatever" I reached over and grabbed my keys "I don't care if he has a girlfriend like I have said he and I are friends"


One of my least favorite things to do is wait. I mean I can be a patient person but I  just prefer not too

I hate the anticipation

So, can you just imagine how I feel right now waiting. Yesterday I got an email from my old high school principal saying how she was in town this week and wanted to speak to me

"Kylie" Principal Carth said walking over to the table I was sitting at outside the Diner

I stood up and shook her hand once she made it over "Hi Principal Carth how are you"

It's been over a year since the last time I saw her. She overall looked the same the only difference was that her black hair had been curt shorter

She shook my hand and sat down a smile on her face "I'm good how have you been since everything" she asked as I sat down

I knew this question would be asked "I'm doing well" Sawyer started to get fussy so I placed her pacifier in her mouth and pushed her stroller a little

"Well that's new" Principal Carth said looking into the stroller

I smiled and  pushed down the sun-divider a little so she can see "yea she was a surprise to me as well"

"I don't mean to be rude but why exactly did you want to meet up" I asked looking at my watch

Principal Carth looked up at me "right sorry" she pulled out a folder from her bag and sat it on the table in between us "Just between us you are one of the best hard working student I have ever met" she started

"Not only are you a bright young mind but you are also one of the most caring and determined person I have meet during the seven years I have worked as the principal at River High"

She scooted the folder closer to me and I opened it "The school board is starting a new program for special Ed student and unprivileged kids"

I looked over the papers "This program is going to help kids with their academics and make sure they can have the future they deserve"

I looked up at her "That's sounds wonderful but what does it have to do with me"

Principal Carth smiled "I want you to teach it or to be the mentor what ever you want to call it"

I looked up at her confused "I don't have my teaching degree yet" I stated

Her smile faded a little "I know that and I talked it over with the school board, everybody got the chance to study your files and they are all in agreement you would be the perfect fit"

I just sat there looking at the papers that was spread across the table unsure of what was actually happening

"I know this is a lot to consider" She said standing up "But I really do believe you will be the perfect fit for this"

I stood up as well "I just need sometime" Principal Carth stuck out her hand "I know and you can take some time to talk it over but I will need an answer before the summer ends"

Until I Met YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon