Chapter 4

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"You look pretty" Tegan said coming into the room I was now sharing with her

I stared at myself in the mirror again "I don't know"

I took one more glance at my outfit a lose black mid sleeve plain dress with matching black high heels, my natural blonde hair was loosely curled

Lilly had paired the outfits with some silver hoop earrings and the makeup she did was a little bold but nothing to bad

I turn to look back at Tegan "are you sure you will be ok at Mama Jackie's house"

She looked up and smiled "are you kidding me I love Mama Jackie and she promised to make cookies"

I laughed and grabbed one of Lilly's black clutch's she let me borrow "if you need anything call me ok"

Tegan nod and I walked down the stairs

"Finally Bri is probably waiting for us" Lilly said grabbing her bag off the counter "also mom is waiting for Tegan downstairs"

Bri is Lilly's cousin and tonight is her bachelorette party the only reason I'm going is because I am one of her bridesmaid's along with Lilly

I grabbed Sawyers elephant and dipper bag and followed Tegan and Lilly out of the apartment and towards the elevators

Jackie was waiting for us in the lobby when we came down

"Finally I was starting to wonder if one of you had gotten hurt" she said moving Sawyer over to her other hip

"And you just stayed down here what if one of us did" Lilly asked

"I don't know I would've ran away with this cutie" she said looking at Sawyer

Sawyer looked at her and laughed

I walked over to Jackie and picked up Sawyer "Hey elephant"

She looked up at me with her bright blue eyes "I'm leaving ok I need you to behave for me"

Sawyer laid her head down on my chest

I kissed the top of her head and look over at Jackie "she needs fed in the next hour and here's Jordan" I said handing over the elephant along with the dipper bag

"Also I'm trying this new thing- "

"I know you wrote it all down on a piece of paper" she said taking Sawyer back" she will be fine I promise"

Lilly grabbed my arm pulling me out of the lobby knowing I wouldn't leave by myself I looked back at Sawyer and waved

"Say bye mommy" Jackie said using Sawyer hand to wave to me

I frowned a little at the use of the word mommy

"We are going to have fun tonight promise me" Lilly said as we stood outside

I smiled and nodded even though it felt like someone had punched me in the gut


"To me" Bri screamed holding her shot in the air

Everyone clanked their shots together and swung them back

Bri eventually picked us up in the limo and we headed over to a club Kat (Bri's maid of honor and best friend) picked out

Once we got there Kat thought it would be a great idea to start drinking

I leaned forward and started to blow bubbles into my drink

"Come on Kylie let's celebrate" Bri said grabbing my hand and pulling me out to the dance floor

I gave a small smile as she danced with Kat and Lilly

To be honest I don't even want to be here tonight I would rather be home eating Chinese takeout and watching crime shows with Tegan while Sawyer peacefully slept in my arms

Or even studying for my last college Exams before summer break but I am happy for Bri and that I can celebrate this with her

"Come on you promise" Lilly said grabbing my arms and moving them to make me dance

"I'm having fun" I smiled and started to move a little

"Kylie" she said pausing "You are going to be twenty-one you are supposed to be going out to clubs and having fun"

I rolled my eyes "I guess that's one way to look at it"

Because Lilly is a year older than me and she thinks she is wiser than I am

"Is this about what mom said back at the apartment" she asked "You are allowed to have fu- "

I didn't allow her to finish "You know your right let's dance" I grabbed her hand and led us over to where Bri was

Lilly looked a little skeptical but danced anyways

After about three songs on the dance floor Kat suggested we should do some more shots

One we were back at the bar Lilly, Kat and Bri tilted their head back and took their shots

I took a drink from my new glass of water I was never really was one for drinking

"These are for you ladies" the Bartender said handing us all drinks

Lilly reached out to take one when I stopped her "we didn't order those"

The bartender pointed over to a group of guys on the other side of the bar "Nope they did"

One of the guys looked over and waved at Lilly

She smiled and took the drink

"You can't just take a drink from a random stranger" I argued taking the glass away from her

Kat grabbed one "come on Ky live a little" she said taking a drink and getting up from her seat, Bri and Lilly both followed

"Guys" I said watching them walk over to the group of males I rolled my eyes and got up to follow

I sat down a couple seats away "Thanks for the drinks guys" Kat said with a flirty smile

"Glad you like them" one of the guys said looking at her

Five minutes later the girls were still talking to the guys and I had ordered me a other drink

"Why are you sitting here alone" someone asked from behind me

I turned around to see none other than mystery guy

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