Chapter 41

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I frantically touched around my neck "did it fall off when we were coming up the stairs" Kayden asked looking at me through the mirror

"I'll go check" Cameron said leaving the room and I looked at Kayden "No I had it on I think"

"So lets retrace your steps" Kayden walked over to the sink "was it around your neck when you were with Cameron" he asked I nod

"The last time I remembered it on was when Molly offered me a drink because I was swinging the locket on the chain"

Next Molly spilled red wine all over the gorgeous dress and ruined it then she bumped into me and almost made me fall on my face

"after that we came up here" Kayden said finishing my thoughts "Did you take it off when you washed the dress"

I shook me head "No I have not taken that necklace off since the hospital" I closed my eyes and tried to remembered if I had it when we walked up to the bathroom

"Kylie" Kayden said confused and I shushed him

I opened my eyes and placed my hand on my chest where the locket sat "I can't believe her" I said heading for the door

"Nothing" Cameron said walking back in the room but I pushed past him

I could feel both of them following behind me but I didn't stop I didn't want to stop all night she has been on my back and now she had the nerve

"Kylie stop where are you going" Cameron asked me but I didn't say anything making my way to the stairs

I lifted up my dress a little so I didn't trip but with ever angry quick step I took in these heels I knew I would end up getting a trip to the hospital instead so I stopped and took off the heels "What did you say to her" Cam asked Kayden and he gasped in shocked "I didn't say anything" he said offended

I handed my shoes to Kayden and went on my way to the party I looked around but couldn't find Molly but I did spot Anastasia heading our way

"What happened sweetheart" she asked me looking at my dress and I gave her a smile "it was my fault" I said with a shrug "Hey quick question have you seen Molly anywhere"

She looked around "I think she was heading out front with some of her friends why"

I turned around and headed towards the door and walked out "What did Molly do" Cameron asked and Kayden said "Oh no"

Molly was gathered around her group of friends laughing and looking at something "Give it back" I said grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around to face me

"What are you talking about" she asked giving me a look and her friends stopped laughing

"Cut the crap and give me back my locket"

Molly looked at me and frowned "Oh honey I'm sorry something happened to your locket" she said with a small smirk "but I didn't take it"

"It was when you bumped into me wasn't it" I asked starting to figure it out "you snapped our little fingers and daddy couldn't get it so you took things in your own hands literally"

"I didn't steal anything" she said slowly and soft "I think its time for her to go home maybe she had to much too drink" she told Cameron in a concerned voice

"Molly if you took it-"

"I can't believe you would believe her after everything we went through" she said cutting off Cameron "Come on Cammie you know me better than anyone I am not a thief" Molly touched Cameron's arm and starred at him

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