Chapter 36

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You know I am never one to admit that I was smart let alone smarter than anyone

But one of the biggest question I am always left with despite being able to skip two grades and write a twenty six page essay in the fourth grade about equality that was published in many magazines was why did Cameron Davis always leaves me with more questions I have no answers too let alone his presence being able to change my mood within seconds

I thought back to what he said at the diner "If that's what you want" I usually know what I want but with him I had no idea

Would I have liked for him to drive us back to the apartment and spend more time with him?Yes. Would I have liked to see his smile whenever Sawyer laughed at some stupid face he was making at her? Yes.

But it seems like the more I get to know him the more I still need to find out like, why did he get so mad about Spencer and why did he say he was jealous I mean it could have been a mistake maybe he thought I did say something about being jealous

What about that night when I told him about Melissa and Brandon that was something I haven't told anyone and yet I could easily tell Cameron about it

He also told me about his mom which I could tell meant something for him too

And when we were joking around after and we were only inches apart would he have kissed me if Jason didn't interrupt or was I just over thinking that too

Did I even want it to happen

I slowed down and started to catch my breath "What happened" Kayden asked catching up to me

I took a drink of my water and looked at him confused

"You said to keep pace and then you darted off leaving me"

I sat down on the dusty hill "sorry I didn't notice"

Kayden sat down next to me "Well Lilly did say you get lost in thought while running"

Kayden had called me at six in the morning the next day to ask if I wanted go running with him and I wasn't sleeping that well anyways so I took him up on the offer

I looked at him "Lilly told you that"

"Yea I was talking about missing my workout partner while you were gone and she mentioned it" he took a sip of my water

"So you were hanging out with Lilly while I was gone" I smiled remembering the guy who was with her when I had called

"Not really I went to the diner and we talked a little" he shrugged and unlike Cameron I can read Kayden like a book

"Are you sure"

"Yea" he dumped water on his head "Why"

I stood up and pointed to the spot between his eyebrows "Because when you lie this spot crinkles"

Kayden stood up as well "No it doesn't" he smacked my hand away and I reached for my water bottle but it was empty "Kayden" I yelled but he was already gone

"Come and get me" he yelled back


Needless to say that even though Kayden had a head start I still won

"How" he asked once he caught up to me again

"Katie use to run track and I was stuck practicing drills with her at home" I looked up at the massive building that was right in front of me

"Come on" he said walking into the building

Kayden had picked the path we took this time and I was very unfamiliar with it so I just ran the way we came

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