Chapter 29

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Five Months Ago

North Carolina

"I can't believe you talked me into coming home" I buckled my seat bet and handed my phone to Aunt Melisa who was in the passenger seat

"Ky Ky it's good for you to visit home every once in awhile" she said placing my phone in the console along with hers and uncle Brandon's

They both have a very strict rule of not being on the phone while in the car unless it is an emergency

"But you know how mom is"

"Yea but maybe you will get lucky and she will ignore you like she always does" Brandon joked

I shook my head "don't think so, she is still mad I didn't tell her about Sawyer" 

Once I found out I was indeed pregnant with Sawyer I had decided not to tell mom till I was two months and half pregnant not really knowing how she might have reacted

"Talking about Melinda why couldn't she pick you up again" Melissa asked turning to look at me

"Something about getting everything ready then she proceeded to yell at me for not having my car"

Which if we are being honest I don't get because why would I need a car here if I live in LA now

Melissa and Brandon had flew to North Carolina a couple days earlier than I had due to the fact I wasn't planning on spending my spring break back home

I have only been back for two days  and nothing was panning out in my favor first off when I had arrived all of my luggage had been 'misplaced' at the airport then Katie came to pick me up and all she did was yell at me for not telling her I was coming and not letting mom know about anything and how I haven't been home in almost a year

When we arrived home I went straight to sleep avoiding mom as much as possible, the next day I took a bus in to town and headed to the library I haven't been too since high school using this as time too also avoid my mother

I must have spent the whole day in there because when I walked outside it was starting to get dark and I had missed the bus which meant I either could wait for the next bus which would be two hours from now or I could call someone

"And Katie was to busy with William and Caleb to pick me up"

Melissa nod her head and looked at Brandon "Well we were just driving around when you called and I am glad we made it in time it got dark fast" she said looking out the window

I starred out the window and I couldn't see anything it was a lot darker then usual tonight "Where is Sawyer"

"At the house we didn't want to wake her" Brandon said

Being done with the questions the car got silent but music instantly filled the car and Uncle Brandon started to shimmy as he drove

"Brandon" I said covering my ears but laughing "why must you play the most ugly music ever"

He opened his mouth offended "This music is not ugly you just don't have good taste"

Melissa laughed and turned down the music "Honey it is pretty ugly"

"You two are just alike" he said shaking his head "all you have to do is hear it from a different point of view"

I looked at Melissa and we both started laughing again "You should have heard the songs he wanted to play at out wedding"

"Hey they were big hits back then" he stopped at a red light and looked at me "you think my music was bad you should have seen Meli's hair"

Melissa slapped his shoulder as the light turn green and he continued to drive "It wasn't that bad"

Until I Met YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin