Chapter 18

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"So I heard you met Cameron's dad" Kayden said breathless taking a seat next to me on the ground

I took a sip of my water "Yea like two days ago why"

Kayden grabbed his water a poured it on his head "Scott was asking me about you"

I grabbed my side and laid down on the ground trying to breathe

The last two days have been really busy for everyone. The Diner has been booming so Lilly, Tegan and I have been working really hard and barley saw each other unless you count the time we walk by each other when taking orders to tables or when we said good night at the end of the day but Tegan is already asleep by then

I haven't seen Kayden and Cameron in the past two day either something with the company they had to deal with

Today Kayden agreed to come running with me said something about getting back into shape but in my opinion I think he looks fine

"What did he ask" I asked sitting up

"Just wanted to know things about you like your age, where you work, do you go to school and if so what school, stuff like that" he said with a shrug

"Well did you answer any of them"

"Of course not" he said grabbing my water and chugging it

"Why not just ask me" I asked a little angry

"It's just how Scott works" Kayden rested his arms on his knees and looked at me "Cameron's first girlfriend had a full background check done on her before he was allowed to date her and they were 15"

I rolled my eyes "if he has any question why not just ask me I am happy to help but I don't want anyone digging around about me"

"Got something to hide" Kayden joked

"Maybe, but it's for me to say when I want to" I grabbed my water bottle backt o take a sip but nothing was in it "Kayden!"

"what I was thirsty" he argued standing up "race you back the loser has to buy breakfast"

I stood up "You are so on" I said pushing him to have a head start

"So unfair you cheated" Kayden yelled behind me


I bet you can probably guess who won the race

Yes, it was me, today was already starting off great I got enough sleep last night so I woke up in a really good mood and on top of that I get free breakfast

"How is Cameron doing" I asked Kayden taking a bite of my blueberry pancakes

"He is back at work in charge and bossing everyone around so I say he is back to normal" Kayden took a drink of his coffee

I really want to make time to see him at some point this week. I want to see personally that he is doing ok and plus I want to talk to him about what I said two nights ago at his place

"I have been meaning to ask you" I took a drink of my water and Kayden looked up at me shoving some eggs in his mouth "why didn't you come back to your place that night"

"Why" he asked giving me a questioning look

"I mean it's probably nothing just you were very secretive on what exactly happened with work and you didn't come back when you said" I shrugged taking a bite of my strawberry that I had order on the side

Kayden didn't say anything he just shoved more food in his mouth ignoring my question completely

"If I had to guess I would say that you were meeting someone" Kayden gave me a questioning look "Maybe a girl" I asked with a smile and he shifted in his seat

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