Chapter 44

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"Mom's here isn't that great" Tegan asked coming out of the kitchen and walking over towards me "How could it possible get any worse you may be asking" Tegan pointed over towards the kitchen and out popped Isaac as if on cue

"Oh Isaac's here to is Caleb or William going to pop out at any moment" I asked sarcastically and Katie gave me a look "No they stayed with Uncle Joe and Hayley are you ok Kylie" she asked

I took a deep breath and smiled "Yea sorry I'm just kind of tired you know with the wedding being tomorrow and all" I looked down at Katie stomach "What about you I thought you were supposed to be controlling your blood pressure"

Katie and traveling anywhere is a bad idea I mean she is a perfectionist and always has to make plans and if those plans aren't followed to an exact it's not pretty

Jason smiled "Yea well I tried but she insisted so here we are"

I gave Jason a hug because I missed him Jason has always been the big brother figure in my life, he was the one I always went to for boy advice and man do I need his great advice right now

Wait no, forget about boy's and their problems

"So how long are you guys thinking about staying" I asked and Dad looked over at mom "Just for the wedding tomorrow"

Mom looked over at Jackie completely ignoring him "Thank you again for letting us stay with you on short notice"

Jackie gave her a smile "Well you did allow my daughter to stay at your house for four years so I think I owed you"

I looked at Katie and Jason "Have you noticed something off about Mom and Dad" I whispered

Katie glanced between the two of them and shook her head "Nope they seem fine" she then touched Jason's arm "Tell Kylie about our last doctor appointment and I'll be back"

Jason watched Katie walk into the kitchen then he turned back towards me "So the last appointment was good it was you know an appointment-"

I put my hand over his mouth "stop talking about the appointment" I said and he looked relieved "Now explain what is going on" I removed my hand from his mouth and he shook his head

"Nothing is going on you heard Katie" he tried and I gave him a look "Jason I know something happened I am really good at reading people remember"

Jason placed my hand back over his mouth and I could feel him smile "Jason Anthony" I said pulling my hand away "You are scared of Katie more than me" I asked and he stopped smiling

"Kylie that's unfair you are asking me to go against what my pregnant wife is demanding me to do" he pouted and I rolled my eyes and head off towards the kitchen to talk to Katie

"Look I don't agree with him mom but all I am asking is to wait on the drama until we go back home please" Katie begged

"He is not coming home with us" Mom yelled at dad

I cleared my throat and everyone turned to look at me "Kylie hey what's up" Katie asked and I looked over at Dad "What is going on"

"It's nothing honey just some stuff your mom and I have to go through that's all" He looked at Katie and then back at me with a smile

Mom drawled her breath and went to say something when Katie pulled my arm and basically dragged me out to the living room "Lilly aren't you guys late for something" she asked and Lilly stood up from her spot on the couch "we are actually" she said surprised

Tegan stood up as well "Can I please come with you" she begged and I nod my head "Jackie please keep a close eye on Sawyer"

Jackie understood what I was secretly saying and gave me a reassuring nod

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