Chapter 32

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A couple minutes after Casey and Sam left everyone went back to what they were doing

Tegan got mad at Katie and I for "Sending my best friend and boyfriend who I haven't seen in a while away" so typically she went after them to explain something and say goodbye

"Tegan is dating him" Cameron asked me

I nod my head "yea for almost a year now shocking right"

Cameron nod his head and I looked at Spencer "You coach at their school" I asked "tell me more about Isaac and Sam why don't they like each other"

Spence shrugged his shoulders "I have no idea what started it but they can hardly stand each other that's why I think its a bad idea for Isaac to try out for football this year because of Sam"

I went to ask another question when Tegan ran past me crying and Isaac followed right after

"Wait" I said stopping Isaac by grabbing his arm "what happened why is she crying"

"Tegan" Isaac yelled but she continued running "I tried telling her" he said shaking his head

"What happened what did you try telling her" I asked again

"A week ago before she came home I was doing my usual morning runs with Joe and we had past the school" he started "The school was holding some sort of football camp for younger kids and the high school football team was helping out"

"Yea I was there it was fun" Spencer said recalling the memory but I ignored him and motioned for Isaac to continued

"Well when I was getting ready to head back I had realized my shoe was untied and bent down to tie it but that was when I heard a girl giggling" Isaac looked back in the direction Tegan had ran and then back at me "I got curious and went over to the bleachers and saw Sam and Casey making out"

My eyes widen "What" I asked "Yea I tired telling her but she didn't believe me and went to talk to Sam anyways that was when she saw it with her own eyes Casey and Sam was making out in his car"

Aww poor Tegan she must be heart broken

Sam came running past us but Cameron grabbed his arm "I don't think so buddy"

"Let go" Sam said ripping his arm away from Cameron

"Stay out of it buddy" he glared at Cameron then at Isaac

"This is all your fault"

"Yea cause I was the one who was caught kissing another girl" Isaac said walking away but Sam shoved him

"Whatever Tegan wasn't all that special" He yelled at him

Isaac pushed Sam back and he just laughed "You know she wouldn't even let me get to second base and I always wondered why, I mean I was a sophomore and she was freshman she should have been lucky but turns out she was slumming it up with two other guys" Sam said looking at Cameron then back at Isaac

Cameron tried to walk over to Sam but I grabbed his hand and shook my head whatever Cameron was thinking about doing he couldn't "He's a minor" I whispered "just ignore him"

"You know I always thought she was just a prude but turns out she's more of a sank then I thought" Sam said walking away but he didn't get far because Isaac tackled him and punched him in the face

Isaac got two good punches in before Sam quickly over powered him getting a good hit before Spencer and Cameron came over to pull them apart

"What is going on here" Mom asked walking over to us

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