Chapter 39

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*The amazing dress Kayden 'picked' out for Kylie*


So it was needless to say that the black dress has been in the far back of my closet since I have tried it on two day ago hopefully never to be seen again and before you say anything no I am not being over dramatic

Once I reached the main floor I looked around until I found the reception desk

"Excuse me" I asked walking up and looking at the middle age women

She just looked back at me with a phone up to her ear and raised an eyebrow so I took that as my cue to go on

"Do you know where I could find Mr. Davis"

She grabbed a piece of paper off her desk and circled something "Yes and I understand" she said moving the phone over to the her other ear "But what you don't understand is if you don't send it to me now you'll have a lot more to worry about then your boss"

She handed me the paper and gave me a smile

I looked at the paper and it told me where to go I gave her a smile back then headed off towards the elevators

"Jerry" I heard her yell "Give it to me I will go down there personally"

I quickly pressed the button and went on my way man I would hate to be Jerry right now

Did I think it was little weird being called by some girl named Samantha today at seven in the morning asking me to meet Scott Davis in his office today. Yes. Was I actually going to come. No.

And that was because I had a doctors appointment today for Sawyer, I had volunteered to help Bri again with some wedding things and I had to still make a decision on whether or not I will be teaching next year in North Carolina

But then curiosity over came me and I wonder what in the world would Scott Davis need to talk to me about so that is why I am here on the thirteenth floor looking for room 47

Once I saw the room I walked over to the brunette haired young women who was sitting outside of the room at her desk typing away

"Excuse me" I said catching her attention "is this Mr. Davis's office"

She looked kind of confused "It depends on which one you are looking for"

"Well I was looking for Scott Davis"

She shook her head "Sorry but this is where you are going to find Cameron Davis"

I looked over at the door "Wait what" I asked moving over to the side of the desk and squatting down

Lucky for me the desk was in front of the wall and not directly in front of the door so I could hide easily from the office windows

"You look like you need help" the women said looking down at me and I nod my head


She reached over and grabbed her phone "So you are her to see the big boss" she asked and I nod my head

"What for"

I peeked over the desk "I have no idea he called me"

"Samantha it's me Darcy I have someone waiting to see Mr. Davis" Darcy said "One sec"

"What's you name" she asked

"Kylie Williams"

Darcy repeated my name to Samantha who was on the other line then looked back at me "Kylie" she asked and I nod

Until I Met YouWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu